Colorful stained glass - Ariel Color ads at bus stops in Warsaw
Surprisingly bright campaign Procter & Gamble and the Warsaw branch of Saatchi & Saatchi Ariel Color .Reklama portrays women, wash and hang colored stuff. The most surprising of these posters - the fact that they are made in the art of stained glass, or rather, copy the technique - Saatchi & Saatchi made translucent prints, imitating the famous mosaic of pieces of colored glass. Bright and juicy images to attract the eyes of passers-by stations and transmit them to the advertising message - Ariel Color keeps the brightness of colored items in the wash.
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via # image5732505
We would like to see such advertising was in SMARTS, but it's a brilliant campaign Comcast
The thirst that brings the pain. Just some song pours from a bottle of lemonade Super Solo!