There is a vaccine against radiation, which neutralizes radiation
It seemed a few years ago there really fantastic invention.
If quite simply, the radiation acts on certain cells and proteins behave within it as the "infection" -toksin. Hence the idea to act on it as an "infection" by the vaccine. That is, when a person is exposed in its cells appears poison. The vaccine neutralizes the venom specific antibodies. Has passed all stages of the experiments, the results have even human origin such as blood, and all the results are encouraging. Animals survive even at lethal doses and human blood cells were purified from toxins.
This technique can be widely used in oncology, t. To. The radiation never goes in vain for the body. The drug could alleviate the side effects. The vaccine is needed NPP employees, residents of areas near the stations.
The drug was even involved in the aftermath of Fukushima. Japanese researchers gave about a thousand doses of the drug and antiradiation serum - almost everything that was at the time.
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