Elephants are afraid of bees

Sometimes elephants migrate, leaving the exhausted land and then they sweep away everything in its path, trampling and destroying farms. African farmers for a long time looking for ways to protect against a sudden incident on the farm giants. For example, the perimeter of areas planted thickets of hot chili peppers, which the elephants prefer to avoid. Also, they put on farm duty to warn in case of an unexpected invasion.

Other extreme measure to deter vandals huge - bees. Elephants are scared to death of these small insects. African bees are much more aggressive than the European and North American counterparts. They can pursue the "enemy" for over a kilometer.
Elephants have thick skin, but there are places with fine soft surface, vulnerable to bites - the stomach, the inner surface of the trunk and a few others. When attacking bees elephant begins to stagnate and "dance" to repel biting buzzing aggressors.
"The method of the bees", but not very suitable for Kenyan farmers - need to put any equipment that will sound of bees buzzing, or settle on a farm these bees, and this neighborhood is unpleasant for the farmer.
via factroom.ru
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