Dentist wants to clone John Lennon of his rotten teeth

Canadian dentist announced his collaboration with American scientists to create a clone of John Lennon from his molar, torn in 1960.

Dentist Michael Beetle acquired tooth Lennon at auction for $ 31 thousand, while the relic sported in his office, and now Beetle came into contact with an American laboratory (which is, not yet reported), to determine whether a clone or not. As explained by Michael:
«I'm highly agitated and heartened by the very possibility of recreating the DNA of John Lennon and I hope that this will soon happen. If the scientists are working on the "resurrection" of mammoths, the same technology could make human cloning a reality ».
blockquote> Dentist has a website www.johnlennontooth.com, which, among other things, his sister puts her photos created sculptures, is a "hybrid" of John Lennon and Paul McCartney called "MakLennon».
via factroom.ru
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