The word "hello" in 37 languages: say hello to the world! Such a native, but so different ...
Welcome - incredibly bright and varied cultural stratum of any country. Look at the sound of the word "hello" in different languages, and was surprised at how different in nature languages. Why is it important to shake? Everybody knows it - and Georgians, Germans and Thais. Welcoming another person, you are not only express his respect and friendly attitude - you accept its existence. If, during the welcome also name the person with whom you already know, the conversation is guaranteed to pass successfully! All of us, people speak different languages, but, in fact, we have - one. Any person pleasant sincere greetings, to which he was not in the country and where he had not been born ...
Arabic - Al Salaam a'alaykum
Armenian - Barev
Bulgarian - Zdraveite
Cantonese - Nei Hou
Croatian - Bok
Czech - Dobry den
Danish - Goddag
Dutch - Hallo
Estonian - Tere
Finnish - Terve
French - Bonjour
German - Guten Tag
Greek - Kalimera
Hawaii - Aloha
Hebrew - Shalom
Hungarian - Szia
Icelandic - Hallo
Indonesian - Assalamu alai kum
Italian - Buon giorno
Japanese - Konnichiwa
Korean - Annyong ha shimnikka
Lithuanian - Labas
Mandarin - Ni Hao
Maya - Ba'a ka wa'alik
Mohawk - Sekoh
Norwegian - God dag
Persian - Selam
Polish - Czesc
Portuguese - Oi
Romanian - Buna ziua
Russian - Hello
Slovak - Zdravo
Slovenian - Zdravo
Spanish - Hola
Breakfast - God dag
Turkish - Merhaba
Ukrainian - Privіt
Learn several options greetings in different languages and amaze your friends. They'll think you've become a true polyglot - a person who is fluent in several languages. Knowing how to greet people in a specific country, you're starting out with its culture and customs, and this is so exciting!
Show your friends this story about these different greetings - they would be interested.
via takprosto cc
Arabic - Al Salaam a'alaykum
Armenian - Barev
Bulgarian - Zdraveite
Cantonese - Nei Hou
Croatian - Bok
Czech - Dobry den
Danish - Goddag
Dutch - Hallo
Estonian - Tere
Finnish - Terve
French - Bonjour
German - Guten Tag
Greek - Kalimera
Hawaii - Aloha
Hebrew - Shalom
Hungarian - Szia
Icelandic - Hallo
Indonesian - Assalamu alai kum
Italian - Buon giorno
Japanese - Konnichiwa
Korean - Annyong ha shimnikka
Lithuanian - Labas
Mandarin - Ni Hao
Maya - Ba'a ka wa'alik
Mohawk - Sekoh
Norwegian - God dag
Persian - Selam
Polish - Czesc
Portuguese - Oi
Romanian - Buna ziua
Russian - Hello
Slovak - Zdravo
Slovenian - Zdravo
Spanish - Hola
Breakfast - God dag
Turkish - Merhaba
Ukrainian - Privіt
Learn several options greetings in different languages and amaze your friends. They'll think you've become a true polyglot - a person who is fluent in several languages. Knowing how to greet people in a specific country, you're starting out with its culture and customs, and this is so exciting!
Show your friends this story about these different greetings - they would be interested.
via takprosto cc
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