8 reasons to grow mint. Plants that can not be neglected!
Peppermint - it's a great plant, which is used not only in cooking but also as a drug that helps with different diseases. Even in ancient times, mint was used as a drug that can prolong the life of the man they called "grass of longevity." Useful properties of mint are innumerable, we will tell about her 8 major advantages.
1. Improves digestion
To improve digestion drink mint tea. This plant helps to improve appetite, positive effect on the digestive process, thereby reducing gastric acidity.
2. It eliminates problems with light
This amazing herb is struggling with respiratory diseases. Also useful peppermint oil. It contains menthol, which helps get rid of the difficulty breathing.
3. Lowers blood pressure
Peppermint contains potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. You can not eat mint gipotonikam.
4. Improves oral health
Mint not only eliminates bad breath, but also eliminates the bacteria that cause tooth decay. That is why the mint extract is added to toothpaste and mouthwash and breath freshener.
5. It relieves muscle pain
The extract from the leaves of mint way to relieve muscle pain. To relax the muscles, add a glass of sea salt, 1/3 cup olive oil and 6-8 drops of peppermint essential oil. Massage the right place for 5-10 minutes, then wash away.
6. Against nausea
The smell of mint weakens the nausea that can help you feel better.
7. Treats depression
A cup of delicious tea - this is what will help you to reduce stress and eliminate depression.
8. Improves memory
The smell of mint leaves a positive effect on mental ability and improves memory.
Contraindications mint bit: it should not be used for people with low pressure, kidney disease, heartburn. Allergic to mint extremely rare.
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1. Improves digestion
To improve digestion drink mint tea. This plant helps to improve appetite, positive effect on the digestive process, thereby reducing gastric acidity.
2. It eliminates problems with light
This amazing herb is struggling with respiratory diseases. Also useful peppermint oil. It contains menthol, which helps get rid of the difficulty breathing.
3. Lowers blood pressure
Peppermint contains potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. You can not eat mint gipotonikam.
4. Improves oral health
Mint not only eliminates bad breath, but also eliminates the bacteria that cause tooth decay. That is why the mint extract is added to toothpaste and mouthwash and breath freshener.
5. It relieves muscle pain
The extract from the leaves of mint way to relieve muscle pain. To relax the muscles, add a glass of sea salt, 1/3 cup olive oil and 6-8 drops of peppermint essential oil. Massage the right place for 5-10 minutes, then wash away.

6. Against nausea
The smell of mint weakens the nausea that can help you feel better.
7. Treats depression
A cup of delicious tea - this is what will help you to reduce stress and eliminate depression.
8. Improves memory
The smell of mint leaves a positive effect on mental ability and improves memory.
Contraindications mint bit: it should not be used for people with low pressure, kidney disease, heartburn. Allergic to mint extremely rare.
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