Pocket drone with a duration of up to two hours of flight
Everyone who has ever ruled the quadrocopter, oktokopterom or drone yet some species, very surprised, looking at the specs toddler Pocket Flyer from company CyPhy Works. Dronchik, fits in your pocket, weighs only 80 grams, and thus is able to stay aloft for up to two hours continuously broadcasting HD-video! Where did these magical characteristics? According to the developers, the whole point of the thread microwires, which is connected to the drone user and through which is powered and communicates.
At the time, many wondered why CyPhy Works tries to use such an archaic thing for robotics, as the cord. After all, the perfect robot must be able to act independently of energy from the battery. And for ground robots is generally considered to be the only correct one, because they do not have to spend a lot of energy to maintain itself in the air. But for the duration of flying models is the sore spot. The vast majority of today is capable of flying robots continuously be in flight only 10-20 minutes.
Developers from CyPhy reasoned that time is not yet possible to radically increase the duration of the drones from batteries, it is necessary to turn to an old forgotten technologies. So in their products have been used spool reeled in flight and used to power motors and two-way exchange of information.
According to the authors, the presence of a permanent source of electricity thread microwires allow drones stay aloft for days. However, it is not only her dignity. Unlike video stream transmission by radio, wire broadcasting avoids lag. With this method of control between the operator and the drone can be many obstacles, which in the case of radio control would lead to loss of signal. Thread, all these obstacles are not terrible. There is another important factor: wired connection eliminates the possibility of interception control drone attacker. Bad people can generate interference in the radio channel, which also lead to a loss of communication with the drone.
Since the spool is placed on drones, its length is 76 meters. The coil is unwound as we move the drone, but it does not create a thread tension, which would interfere with flight. In this video you can see a prototype handheld drone in action:
The company already produces a fairly wide range of drones, which can be seen in the video standing on the floor. Pocket Flyer created for special forces soldiers are especially important savings in weight and volume of equipment.
And here's what a complete set. Dron folded fits into cover on the left and on the right shows that same reel of thread.
Also contained in the bag for the battery and remote control drone that connects to the thread. Management is carried out from a smartphone or a tablet from under any OS. It is sufficient to establish a management application.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/240738/
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