Currently ranch
Reuters photographer Lucas Jackson spent a week in Colorado, to capture life on this ranch.
In the US and Canada under the ranch usually means any farm located in rural areas. Anyway, the main economic specialization ranch - cattle, primarily cattle. This ranch is different from the plantation, which is the main specialization of crop (bananas, sugar cane, cotton and so on. D.).
Steve Pargin - rancher in the third generation. He raises cows, bulls, as possible to preserve the local nature. No, it's not him, it's his assistant David Thompson, 11 June 2014.
When the cowboys on the ranch were issued free time, they entertained themselves with all sorts of "amusing" competition: whose horse works best with a cow who usidit longer on a wild bull or Mustang, who quickly lasso lasso a cow, and so on. N. Over time, these sports are separated , acquired the established rules, overgrown traditions and peculiarities of training of horse and rider. From the middle of the XX century in the United States held the official competition cowboys appeared western sport.
The horse was wounded, David Thompson examines the wound.
Life on the ranch has its advantages - it is far from the bustle of the city, animals and complete unity with nature.
The house is pretty ascetic, felt that we were not in the city.
The owner was unable to secure the saddle, the horse galloped away.
Once a year, the owner of the ranch and his team lead their herds to mountain pastures. This was an interesting event to observe. Sheepdogs grazing time long transition cows and bulls (bottom right), all as it should.
Rest and drink water from the pond in the mountains. Cows resting from a long transition
Right on the horse - the owner of the ranch. Resting with his team.
Veterinary stop, something is wrong with the calf, it will now check and medicine.
Dangerous moment - translation herds across the road. One of the cowboys holding a yellow flag warning for approaching cars.
Cowboys work with the herd.
Sometimes it is easier to walk on the highway.
Cowboy camp.
Cowboy clothes. Soon week grazing on mountain pastures is over and life will return to the ranch in calm, measured channel.
Such is the life of the ranches and cowboys. Colorado, June 11 2014.
Source: vova-91.livejournal.com