Synchrotron and nuclotron
Synchrotron - this accelerator, built in Dubna in 1957 and became the largest and most powerful of its time.
His magnet weighs 36,000 tons and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest in the world.
He worked until the year 2002, and now in his basement built a new accelerator - the Nuclotron.
Former remote control Synchrophasotron
Now from him was only a small fragment:
Here, in a corner, standing synchrotron model:
It is arranged as follows: at the beginning of the particles dispersed in a linear accelerator (injector), and then they get in the ring synchrotron, where they are accelerated to nearly the speed of light, cutting hundreds of thousands of laps. Thereafter, the particles are shot out of the ring and through giant magnet passed to one of the targets. Nuclotron works on the same principle:
Positively charged ions are accelerated in the accelerator by electricity. Figuratively speaking, they pass through a large number of capacitors. Particle enters it in a positive way and are attracted to the negative. Such "capacitors" called the accelerating gap. Particle acceleration requires huge amounts of energy, but the energy is not always necessary, and splashes. If you connect to the city network accelerator, during such "bursts", the whole city will be plunged into darkness, so the accelerator was built own unit. There were large flywheels are untwisted to the speed of sound (330 meters per second) and during "surge" quenched, transforming the mechanical energy into electrical energy flywheel. Nuclotron built in the basement of the synchrotron in 1992 year and its control panel already looks much more modern:
Nuclotron does not work all the time, and sessions. Now hold 2 sessions per year, lasting just over a month:
The building, which is set synchrotron has a circular shape and has already built around supporting facilities:
At the entrance to hang signs:
Acceleration begins in a linear accelerator. With the help of an electric discharge of hydrogen emit positively charged ions, which begin their journey on the accelerator. The voltage at the many large (a little less than megavolt) that in wet weather in the room lightning can strike in the wall instead of tubes:
From the housing of the linear accelerator (Linac-20) stick vacuum tubes. To the particles are not inhibited by collisions with air molecules inside the accelerator air is evacuated almost completely:
At the exit of the linac is worth bending magnet which either passes directly into the synchrotron particle, or rejects it in the basement, where there is nuclotron:
With the help of magnetic lenses focus the beam of particles and retain small diameter:
Synchrotron ring diameter of 60 meters. It consists of 4 huge magnets, which can safely disperse two passenger cars (5 meters in height and in width 7):
The magnet has such dimensions due to the fact that a beam Synchropha slabofokusirovanny and held in a vacuum chamber of 2 m to 40 cm, and the magnet is needed to keep the beam within the ring:
When synchrotron was built, academician Wexler looked at him and said, has become a catch phrase: "When a little thought, a lot of iron." Rest of his life he devoted to the development of new methods of acceleration. Many of his ideas are only now, 50 years later, begin to put into practice. When completed in Dubna came presidents and prime ministers from different countries, to see the miracle plant. The Soviet Union was very proud of the synchrotron. At that time he became a symbol of the power of our country. Now synchrotron is almost completely dismantled. The building remained a magnet yoke, but clearly visible hole in which the accelerated ion beam. There are plans to build a new accelerator inside to use the iron magnet as protection against radiation:
During operation synchrotron included this wonderful light (note the light bulb):
Close to Synchrophasotron set nuclotron segment. The difference in size is enormous:
In the 50s, already during the construction of synchrotron, physicists have learned tightly focused ion beam to a much smaller diameter, which reduced the size of these accelerators. Note the size of the holes in nuclotron - it is much smaller than the huge hole in the Synchrophasotron:
Nuclotron built in the time of adjustment on the money earned on their own laboratory production of liquid helium. In an Synchrophasotron in the basement of the ring were laid cables. They moved, and in their place built nuclotron:
Go here closely. In some places I could barely pushed his way with his beer belly:
From above, from the linear accelerator, a ring nuclotron give birth to a particle beam (green guides):
The particles are accelerated in the ring, and then brought to the surface by means of deflecting magnets (green):
Particle velocity at the inlet is 30 thousand kilometers per second, and the output is already near the speed of light (300,000 miles per second), so for beam deflection magnets need much larger:
All magnets are beautifully painted:
More particles enter the experimental building, where physicists by the same giant magnets direct them to one of the targets. After the collision with the target fragments capture detector:
Cryogenic plants cooled coil magnets inside nuclotron to a temperature of -269 degrees Celsius, for the occurrence of superconductivity effect:
Experimental body powered electricity from separate substations:
Channel itself overlaid with concrete blocks for protection against radiation:
Including top:
Scientists sit in orange house on the roof and around the channel:
Inside a bunch of devices. Here are taken and recorded data, and then scientists will for a long time to process and analyze them:
And finally, a few doors:
via sergeydolya
His magnet weighs 36,000 tons and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest in the world.
He worked until the year 2002, and now in his basement built a new accelerator - the Nuclotron.

Former remote control Synchrophasotron

Now from him was only a small fragment:

Here, in a corner, standing synchrotron model:

It is arranged as follows: at the beginning of the particles dispersed in a linear accelerator (injector), and then they get in the ring synchrotron, where they are accelerated to nearly the speed of light, cutting hundreds of thousands of laps. Thereafter, the particles are shot out of the ring and through giant magnet passed to one of the targets. Nuclotron works on the same principle:

Positively charged ions are accelerated in the accelerator by electricity. Figuratively speaking, they pass through a large number of capacitors. Particle enters it in a positive way and are attracted to the negative. Such "capacitors" called the accelerating gap. Particle acceleration requires huge amounts of energy, but the energy is not always necessary, and splashes. If you connect to the city network accelerator, during such "bursts", the whole city will be plunged into darkness, so the accelerator was built own unit. There were large flywheels are untwisted to the speed of sound (330 meters per second) and during "surge" quenched, transforming the mechanical energy into electrical energy flywheel. Nuclotron built in the basement of the synchrotron in 1992 year and its control panel already looks much more modern:

Nuclotron does not work all the time, and sessions. Now hold 2 sessions per year, lasting just over a month:

The building, which is set synchrotron has a circular shape and has already built around supporting facilities:

At the entrance to hang signs:

Acceleration begins in a linear accelerator. With the help of an electric discharge of hydrogen emit positively charged ions, which begin their journey on the accelerator. The voltage at the many large (a little less than megavolt) that in wet weather in the room lightning can strike in the wall instead of tubes:

From the housing of the linear accelerator (Linac-20) stick vacuum tubes. To the particles are not inhibited by collisions with air molecules inside the accelerator air is evacuated almost completely:

At the exit of the linac is worth bending magnet which either passes directly into the synchrotron particle, or rejects it in the basement, where there is nuclotron:

With the help of magnetic lenses focus the beam of particles and retain small diameter:

Synchrotron ring diameter of 60 meters. It consists of 4 huge magnets, which can safely disperse two passenger cars (5 meters in height and in width 7):

The magnet has such dimensions due to the fact that a beam Synchropha slabofokusirovanny and held in a vacuum chamber of 2 m to 40 cm, and the magnet is needed to keep the beam within the ring:

When synchrotron was built, academician Wexler looked at him and said, has become a catch phrase: "When a little thought, a lot of iron." Rest of his life he devoted to the development of new methods of acceleration. Many of his ideas are only now, 50 years later, begin to put into practice. When completed in Dubna came presidents and prime ministers from different countries, to see the miracle plant. The Soviet Union was very proud of the synchrotron. At that time he became a symbol of the power of our country. Now synchrotron is almost completely dismantled. The building remained a magnet yoke, but clearly visible hole in which the accelerated ion beam. There are plans to build a new accelerator inside to use the iron magnet as protection against radiation:

During operation synchrotron included this wonderful light (note the light bulb):

Close to Synchrophasotron set nuclotron segment. The difference in size is enormous:

In the 50s, already during the construction of synchrotron, physicists have learned tightly focused ion beam to a much smaller diameter, which reduced the size of these accelerators. Note the size of the holes in nuclotron - it is much smaller than the huge hole in the Synchrophasotron:

Nuclotron built in the time of adjustment on the money earned on their own laboratory production of liquid helium. In an Synchrophasotron in the basement of the ring were laid cables. They moved, and in their place built nuclotron:

Go here closely. In some places I could barely pushed his way with his beer belly:

From above, from the linear accelerator, a ring nuclotron give birth to a particle beam (green guides):

The particles are accelerated in the ring, and then brought to the surface by means of deflecting magnets (green):

Particle velocity at the inlet is 30 thousand kilometers per second, and the output is already near the speed of light (300,000 miles per second), so for beam deflection magnets need much larger:

All magnets are beautifully painted:

More particles enter the experimental building, where physicists by the same giant magnets direct them to one of the targets. After the collision with the target fragments capture detector:

Cryogenic plants cooled coil magnets inside nuclotron to a temperature of -269 degrees Celsius, for the occurrence of superconductivity effect:

Experimental body powered electricity from separate substations:

Channel itself overlaid with concrete blocks for protection against radiation:

Including top:

Scientists sit in orange house on the roof and around the channel:

Inside a bunch of devices. Here are taken and recorded data, and then scientists will for a long time to process and analyze them:

And finally, a few doors:

via sergeydolya