Full FAQ for blondes
All you wanted to know about blondes, but were afraid to ask.

1. Q: What do you call a blonde with half a brain?
A: Gifted
2. Q: How brain cells die blonde?
A: There alone
3. Q: What do you call when a brunette dyed blonde?
A: Artificial intelligence
4. Q: What does the right foot blonde left?
A: Nothing. They never meet.
5. Q: What is the highest achievement of the psyche blonde?
A: The presence in the body.
6. Q: How to get to a blonde's eyes lit up?
A: Shine a flashlight into the ear.
7. Q: Why do blondes do not give a lunch break?
A: Too long to learn them again. 8. Q: What is the difference between a blonde and a computer?
A: Information in your computer is enough to enter only once.
9. Q: What does a blonde think of the new computer?
A: She did not like: I do not catch the 9th Channel.
10. Q: Why do blondes wear shoulder pads?
A: (Shaking his head from side to side?) I do not know!
11. Q: How do you kill a blonde?
A: Insert the nails into her shoulder pads.
12. Q: How do blondes pierce their ears?
A: stick the key in shoulder pads.
13. Q: Why do blondes do not drink instant coffee bags?
A: Not able to understand, in a bag breaks two cups of water.
14. Q: Why do blondes do not eat pickles?
A: The head of the Bank not crawls.
15. Q: Why do not blondes eat bananas?
A1: Can not find the zipper.
16. Q: What is the blonde puts his ears to become more attractive?
A: Ankle.
17. Q: Why do blondes painted green lipstick?
A: Red means stop, not the hole.
18. Q: How do you know that your refrigerator peering blonde?
A: Lipstick on the cucumbers.
19. Q: Why do blondes in San Francisco do not wear short black mini skirts?
A: The eggs can be seen!
20. Q: Why do blondes drive BMWs?
A: They can say it.
21. Q: Why do blondes have TGIF abbreviation on shoes?
A: Toes Go In First. (Please insert your fingers)
22. Q: Why do blondes have TGIF abbreviation of blouses?
A: Tits Go In Front. (The chest should be in front)
23. Q: What is the brunette between two blondes?
A: An interpreter.
24. Q: What do you call a blonde between two brunettes?
A: The mental unit.
25. Q: How do you get a blonde to change opinion?
A1: to blow into her ear.
A2: Buy her another beer.
26. Q: What does a blonde first morning?
A1: It is.
A2: go home.
27. Q: What does a blonde does after sex?
A: Opens the car door.
28. Q: How does a blonde turn on the light after sex?
A: Opens the car door.
29. Q: What is the worst thing about sex with a blonde?
A: Uncomfortable seats.
30. Q: What does a blonde say after sex?
A1: Thank you, guys!
A2: You guys are all playing in the same group?
A3: You're all playing for the same team?
A4: Who are these guys?
31. Q: Why do blondes have problems with orgasm?
A: (Who cares)
32. Q: How do you know when a blonde orgasm?
A1: She drops her nail file.
A2: (Who cares)
A3: It says next!
A4: The next in line pats you on the shoulder
A6: (Really, who cares?)
A7: batteries are weak.
33. Q: What do you call when a blonde blows in the other ear?
A: Data transfer.
34. Q: What does the blond saw a sign with the name on the chest waitress?
A: Debbie: Very cute! And the name of the other?
35. Q: How many blondes need to screw in a light bulb?
A1: What is light?
A2: One. She holds the bulb and the world revolves around her.
A3: Two. One holds Diet Rersi, the other shouts: aaady!
36. Q: Why is there no dumb brunettes?
A: peroxide.
37. Q: What does a blonde, when she is delivered?
A: Um, are you sure it's mine?
38. Q: What do you call when 10 blondes standing ear to ear?
A: The wind tunnel.
39. Q: What do you call when there are 15 blondes in a circle?
A: Synchrophasotron.
40. Q: Why did the blonde climbed over the glass wall?
A: See what's behind it.
41. Q: What should I do when a blonde throws a grenade at you?
A: Pull the ring and throw back.
42. Q: If a blonde and a brunette fall from the roof, someone will break sooner?
A: Brunette. The blonde will stop and ask for direction.
43. Q: What happens if you get sick blonde Alzheimer?
A: Her IQ will grow!
44. Q: What is different from the blond Rorshe?
A: Rorshe do not need to present to friends.
45. Q: What is different from the blond toothbrush?
A: Even the best friend you do not give use your toothbrush.
46. Q: What is different from the blond bowling ball?
A1: The ball can shove only three fingers.
A3: There is no difference. Both round, both on three holes.
47. Q: What is the difference between a blonde and the Titanic?
A: We know how many people died on the Titanic.
48. Q: What is the difference between a blonde and a telephone?
A: The use of telephone costs 30 cents.
49. Q: What is the difference between a blonde and the Grand Duke of York?
A: The duke was only 10,000 people.
50. Q: What do the beer bottle and a blonde?
A: Both the void over the neck.
51. Q: What do you get if you give a penny for thought (proverb) blonde?
A: Surrender.
52. Q: How is a blonde kill a bird?
A: throw her off a cliff.
53. Q: How is a blonde kill a fish?
A: Utopia.
54. Q: Why did the blonde so pleased when finish the puzzle in 6 months?
A: Because it was written on the box From 2 to 4 years
55. Q: What do you say when he saw the blonde with no arms and legs?
A: What a chest!
56. Q: How can we take a blonde for hours?
A: Write down on a piece of paper on both sides Turn.
57. Q: Why do blondes always die without waiting for help?
A: They always forget to 1-1? in 9-1-1?
58. Q: What can be seen in the eyes of the blonde?
A: The back wall of the skull.
59. Q: How to make a blonde laugh on Monday morning?
A: Tell her anecdote on Friday night.
60. Q: Why did God create blondes?
A: A sheep can not bring beer from the fridge.
61. Q: Why do blondes carry Breakfast in transparent bags?
A1: To be able to learn morning or evening.
A2: To know the subway, going to work or home.
62. Q: What is: black, disheveled, hanging from the ceiling?
A: Electric blond.
63. Q: Why jokes about blondes are so short?
A1: To brunettes can remember them.
A2: To men could understand them.
64. Q: How do I know that the blonde cook chocolate chip cookies?
A: At strewn all over the floor wrappers M & M's
65. Q: What is different from the toilet blonde?
A: It does not follow you anywhere, after you use them.
66. Q: What is different from the blonde in a supermarket trolley?
A: In the cart there own opinion.
67. Q: What does a blonde answer, if asked, whether the flasher?
A: It works. Does not work. Working. It does not work:
68. Q: Why froze two blondes in a car in a car-cinema?
A: We came to see the film Closed for winter
69. Q: What is chronic speech impediment blondes?
A: Not able to say no
70. Q: What do you call a blonde in high school?
A: The Visitor.
71. Q: How can I find out whether in the office blonde?
A: At a bed in the closet and a smile from ear to ear on the faces of the bosses.
72. Q: When the law to shoot a blonde in the head?
A: When you have a pump to inflate it again.
73. Q: How to measure the level of intelligence of blondes?
A: stick gauge into the ear
74. Q: What does a blonde sitting at the long outlet?
A: Waiting for an email from a friend
75. Q: How to drown a blonde?
A: Put a mirror on the bottom of the swimming pool
76. Q: Why do blondes do not go to church?
A: When they stand up to their knees they will automatically open your mouth.
77. Q: Why can not the blonde write the number 11?
A: They do not know which unit should be the first.
78. Q: How do I know that the blonde to use a computer?
A: At wet joystick.
79. Q: Why do blondes are buried in the triangular coffins?
A: Because when they lay their legs apart.
79. Q: Why did the blonde drowned by jumping off the dock?
A: Hung inscription swim prohibited.
80. Q: What does a blonde in bed in the morning?
A: Prevents
81. Q: What is the blonde in the shower?
A: Pure nonsense.
82. Q: What is different from the blond drain pump?
A: Principle nothing. both sucks. Only the pump can not suck 24 hours a day, overheats.
83. Q: What is different from the mosquito blonde?
A: The mosquito is not necessary to iron on the head when he sucks.
84. Q: What is different from the blonde cow?
A: Cow interisuet that her back.
85. Q: How does a blonde take anything for the whole day?
A: Plant in a round room and told to sit in the corner.