Entertaining paleontology
How fast are the fastest running dinosaurs?
Tselofizis whose weight at 3 meter height is only 30 kilograms, can reach a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.
What kind of dinosaur it was the most common?
The most common was - Iguanodon. These herbivorous dinosaurs, whose length was 10 meters, and weighs up to 4 tons were distributed across the planet.
How long was the biggest lizard?
Along with land animals evolved and marine reptiles, which later became extinct along with the dinosaurs. Huge mosasaurs with crocodile head and body of a fish reaches a length of 9 meters. This is the largest lizard in the history could razivat his mouth as wide as it is today crocodile. He lived at the end of the era of dinosaurs.
What weighed heaviest bird?
20,000 years ago, extinct Madagascar ostrich, the heaviest bird in history. It weighed half a ton, and, of course, could not fly.
What size was the biggest monkey?
Pavian dinopithecus, that is a terrible monkey that lived in South America, was little more than the modern gorilla. He reached 2, 5 meters tall and weighed 350 kilograms. Modern gorillas reach 230 centimeters tall and weighs 300 kilograms and the size of modern baboons - 120 centimeters.
What it was the largest insect?
A huge scorpion. inhabiting the seas 400 million years ago (in the Silurian period), reaches a length of 2, 5 meters. 300 million years ago, there was a kind of dragonflies with a wingspan of 60 - 80 centimeters. It was the biggest flying insect.
When he lived biggest sloth?
40 million years ago on the territory of today's South America, the sloth lived really gigantic. He was the size of an elephant and weighed 7 tons.
How high was the largest bird?
The head of the giant moa was at the same height as the head of a giraffe. This running birds were 4, 5 meters tall and weighed 250 kilograms. She lived 2 million years ago in New Zealand.
Tselofizis whose weight at 3 meter height is only 30 kilograms, can reach a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.
What kind of dinosaur it was the most common?
The most common was - Iguanodon. These herbivorous dinosaurs, whose length was 10 meters, and weighs up to 4 tons were distributed across the planet.
How long was the biggest lizard?
Along with land animals evolved and marine reptiles, which later became extinct along with the dinosaurs. Huge mosasaurs with crocodile head and body of a fish reaches a length of 9 meters. This is the largest lizard in the history could razivat his mouth as wide as it is today crocodile. He lived at the end of the era of dinosaurs.
What weighed heaviest bird?
20,000 years ago, extinct Madagascar ostrich, the heaviest bird in history. It weighed half a ton, and, of course, could not fly.
What size was the biggest monkey?
Pavian dinopithecus, that is a terrible monkey that lived in South America, was little more than the modern gorilla. He reached 2, 5 meters tall and weighed 350 kilograms. Modern gorillas reach 230 centimeters tall and weighs 300 kilograms and the size of modern baboons - 120 centimeters.
What it was the largest insect?
A huge scorpion. inhabiting the seas 400 million years ago (in the Silurian period), reaches a length of 2, 5 meters. 300 million years ago, there was a kind of dragonflies with a wingspan of 60 - 80 centimeters. It was the biggest flying insect.
When he lived biggest sloth?
40 million years ago on the territory of today's South America, the sloth lived really gigantic. He was the size of an elephant and weighed 7 tons.
How high was the largest bird?
The head of the giant moa was at the same height as the head of a giraffe. This running birds were 4, 5 meters tall and weighed 250 kilograms. She lived 2 million years ago in New Zealand.