Ancient sword of the Dnieper
A resident of Zaporozhye, Sergei P'yankov pulled from the Dnieper millennial sword, according to the source, the sword was "podtseplen spinning" and raised from a depth of over 20 meters.
The find was transferred to the museum-reserve "Khortytsya". It was found that the sword was made about the X century.
It is also assumed that the weapons could belong to Svyatoslav I. - Grand Prince of Kiev, who died on the Dnieper River in the battle with the Pechenegs. According to the representative of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Andrei Avdeenko, the likelihood that the owner of the weapons was just Prince Svyatoslav, is about 80 percent. "The level of finish, the quality of treatment indicate that the sword could belong directly to the prince", - said director general agrees to the reserve "Khortytsya" Maxim Ostapenko, who was quoted by the TV channel «24».
In the near future the sword will be sent to Kiev for restoration.
There's still a video there, but it is not half in Russian. I will not add.
The find was transferred to the museum-reserve "Khortytsya". It was found that the sword was made about the X century.
It is also assumed that the weapons could belong to Svyatoslav I. - Grand Prince of Kiev, who died on the Dnieper River in the battle with the Pechenegs. According to the representative of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Andrei Avdeenko, the likelihood that the owner of the weapons was just Prince Svyatoslav, is about 80 percent. "The level of finish, the quality of treatment indicate that the sword could belong directly to the prince", - said director general agrees to the reserve "Khortytsya" Maxim Ostapenko, who was quoted by the TV channel «24».
In the near future the sword will be sent to Kiev for restoration.
There's still a video there, but it is not half in Russian. I will not add.
