The district hospital was built so my day: In the morning take patients in outpatient clinics, a snack, and then quickly to the challenges of food. Today, the call came from becomes, some grandmother there they zanemozhila. The relationship becomes a scientist I have, first of all asked: A tractor toward expelled?
Tractor in our case is the first device may be even more important than X-rays. Because without an X-ray until then you can do, but without the tractor when it comes to the delivery of a doctor in the village seems to become, can not do. The road to the village goes to such places, where only the "Belarus" and will pass.
Halfway to becoming stopped on the banks of the enormous puddles through which only wade and swim better. We sit with the driver in "UAZ", smoke, mosquito clicking. Fifteen minutes later, a man comes out of the woods with a pair of boots under his arm, greeting.
- You, the doctor, not an hour to our Stanovoye?
- To you, - I say. - Where a tractor?
- Tractors will not, for I have captured the fords - meets a man and deploys huge waders.
Do nothing, I took a bathrobe (in the forest there only to show off the wild boars) put fords, and after poshlёpal guy around puddles. If I went straight, then just had to swim, but it does not fully meet the high status of a Soviet doctor.
Half an hour later got to become. Wow village, chickens running around on the street, rebyatnya plays. They grow like weeds here and perhaps he has never heard that there is such a formidable uncle, the district pediatrician.
A man summed me to the hut, then I do myself. First, make sure that the dog is on a chain. Yard blohovozy in our business - the main evil. Worse sanepidnadzora. Here's a funny one and I lost the pants by means of yard Bobby. Went, I looked around. The hut bednovato, but clean. Faded rug on the floor, in the corner of the icon for a towel. Here is my patient, and found it as the doctor went, feed the piglets asked, dishes change, potato stew put ... Business was old. I'll fly it, and just before leaving, noticed his overcoat on a nail. The usual soldier's overcoat, such in the late nineties, the soldiers wears. On the way back I asked a guide, whose overcoat with whom the old woman lives?
- Yes, to anyone she did not live, she w widow - said the man.
- And whose cloak?
- A married. You see, doctor, it so happened, the husband of our women in the war, Tony released his native village. When his regiment was advancing through Stanovoye, he went into his hut, his coat hung on a nail, kissed his wife ... And then a soldier called. He ran out and meet! Whether the shell landed, or buried in a trench. Missing.
- A cloak?
- Overcoat ever since in a hut hanging. Waiting for him Baba Tonya, you know, waiting.
Tractor in our case is the first device may be even more important than X-rays. Because without an X-ray until then you can do, but without the tractor when it comes to the delivery of a doctor in the village seems to become, can not do. The road to the village goes to such places, where only the "Belarus" and will pass.
Halfway to becoming stopped on the banks of the enormous puddles through which only wade and swim better. We sit with the driver in "UAZ", smoke, mosquito clicking. Fifteen minutes later, a man comes out of the woods with a pair of boots under his arm, greeting.
- You, the doctor, not an hour to our Stanovoye?
- To you, - I say. - Where a tractor?
- Tractors will not, for I have captured the fords - meets a man and deploys huge waders.
Do nothing, I took a bathrobe (in the forest there only to show off the wild boars) put fords, and after poshlёpal guy around puddles. If I went straight, then just had to swim, but it does not fully meet the high status of a Soviet doctor.
Half an hour later got to become. Wow village, chickens running around on the street, rebyatnya plays. They grow like weeds here and perhaps he has never heard that there is such a formidable uncle, the district pediatrician.
A man summed me to the hut, then I do myself. First, make sure that the dog is on a chain. Yard blohovozy in our business - the main evil. Worse sanepidnadzora. Here's a funny one and I lost the pants by means of yard Bobby. Went, I looked around. The hut bednovato, but clean. Faded rug on the floor, in the corner of the icon for a towel. Here is my patient, and found it as the doctor went, feed the piglets asked, dishes change, potato stew put ... Business was old. I'll fly it, and just before leaving, noticed his overcoat on a nail. The usual soldier's overcoat, such in the late nineties, the soldiers wears. On the way back I asked a guide, whose overcoat with whom the old woman lives?
- Yes, to anyone she did not live, she w widow - said the man.
- And whose cloak?
- A married. You see, doctor, it so happened, the husband of our women in the war, Tony released his native village. When his regiment was advancing through Stanovoye, he went into his hut, his coat hung on a nail, kissed his wife ... And then a soldier called. He ran out and meet! Whether the shell landed, or buried in a trench. Missing.
- A cloak?
- Overcoat ever since in a hut hanging. Waiting for him Baba Tonya, you know, waiting.
