The study of thermonuclear processes (27 photos)
"Create a mini-star in the world" - this is the goal of National complex laser fusion reactions (NIF), where there is the largest with the most powerful laser energy content, which is located in Livermore, California. September 29, 2010 completed the first NIF ignition experiment in which 192 laser focused on a small cylinder with a capsule with frozen hydrogen fuel. This experiment was the latest in a series of tests that will lead to the long-awaited "ignition", when the nuclei of the atoms in the fuel capsule forced to merge, releasing tremendous energy. It is expected that the yield of fusion energy at the facility for the first time exceeds the energy expended to start the reaction. This will be a valuable source of strength. For the construction of NIF took more than 3, 5 billion dollars in 1997, the complex is part of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Lawrence. Complete fusion scientists want to achieve by 2012.