"Albanian" in Old Church Slavonic
"The clerk vozzhigashe !!»
"Teach starOslovenskoy!»
"In Kozelsk beast !!»
"The Chronicle is not chitashe but boyars glagolyut - not Lepo!»
"The clerk - infernal devil!»)))
"The clerk - Pius poison!»
"Why you travishe?»
"The clerk, scribbling the forest, will be counted for.»
"Who let Inasmuch doprezh - sodomites are filthy.»
"Intermedia dozen.»
"This creature stinks, and the clerk ohalnik.»
"These letters exceedingly abundant, with the dismantling work is heavy.»
"Recorded in the annals!»
"Exceedingly zabavlyavshe through the sverzishe with the seat at the meal.»
"Urine is not Bole!»
"Urine is not Bole, because psalm!»
"Darkness letters!»
"In the frying pan!»
"The clerk, packs Express Yourself!»
"Smehot not keep»
"People Lepo glagolyut" (kamenty COX)
"Yes remembrance be alone" (in memoriz)
"And thank you, porukobludil»
"The head of the beat frame Svetlitsa (apstenu)»
"Vozhohotamshe under the bench»
"The subject is not disclosed Perseus"
"Teach starOslovenskoy!»
"In Kozelsk beast !!»
"The Chronicle is not chitashe but boyars glagolyut - not Lepo!»
"The clerk - infernal devil!»)))
"The clerk - Pius poison!»
"Why you travishe?»
"The clerk, scribbling the forest, will be counted for.»
"Who let Inasmuch doprezh - sodomites are filthy.»
"Intermedia dozen.»
"This creature stinks, and the clerk ohalnik.»
"These letters exceedingly abundant, with the dismantling work is heavy.»
"Recorded in the annals!»
"Exceedingly zabavlyavshe through the sverzishe with the seat at the meal.»
"Urine is not Bole!»
"Urine is not Bole, because psalm!»
"Darkness letters!»
"In the frying pan!»
"The clerk, packs Express Yourself!»
"Smehot not keep»
"People Lepo glagolyut" (kamenty COX)
"Yes remembrance be alone" (in memoriz)
"And thank you, porukobludil»
"The head of the beat frame Svetlitsa (apstenu)»
"Vozhohotamshe under the bench»
"The subject is not disclosed Perseus"