In India, the village found the twins

A unique phenomenon was discovered in the village of Kodinhi in India. It recorded the largest percentage of twins, 15 pairs out of 300 births per 2008, and the statistics show that this trend has a tendency to increase.
Local enthusiast, Dr. Krishnan Sribadzhu studying a medical miracle for two years. At the moment, the number of registered 250 pairs of twins, but the opinion of a doctor of their real lot more about 300-350 pairs.
Local argue that this phenomenon started to happen about three generations ago. According to the doctor, 60-70 years ago, but without access to the biochemical machinery, it is impossible to say for sure what caused this phenomenon. He believes that the reason lies in the diet of the inhabitants Kodinhi.
If we can identify the source of this anomaly, the results of the studies can be useful to couples suffering from infertility. Dr. Sribadzhu convinced that the locals do not have any genetic abnormalities causing the appearance of twins, as well as it excludes, what or unknown pollution. In support of this assertion is the fact that the vast majority of twins are born perfectly healthy.
Interestingly, according to statistics in the world for 1000 births account for 45 pairs of twins, the Indians living in Asia, the figure at around 4 pairs per 1 000 births.