Just to have a Ferrari - it garbage. But the number of $ 4 to 6 million!
In the United Arab Emirates in the sale room for cars did excellent business. Last Saturday, at an auction in Abu Dhabi has been sold to a single digit number "7" for 17 million. Dirhams ($ 4 to 6 million.). The most expensive car number on the planet, with the number "1", according to Guinness World Records reports, was bought from the Emirates businessman Said Khoury in 2008 for 52, 2 million. Dirhams ($ 14, 2 million.). Second place belongs to the number "5" in 2007 it was sold for 25, 2 million. Dirhams ($ 6, 86 million.). "This is a matter of recognition - explains the owner of the license of the United Arab Emirates (UAE Number Plates Company) Muhammad Kashif. - Just have a Ferrari is not so much these days. People also want to have a nice room in his car. This allows them to stand out from the other owners of Ferrari ». The UAE regular car plates come with five digits. The smaller the number, the higher the number. Four is about 5,000 dirhams ($ 1 300), but the price increases if the number of "beautiful" - for example, "4444".