Travel Photographer Of The Year 2013
The main prize - "Cutty Sark" - was a British photographer Timothy Allen for his pictures of the festival mud finishes, life Dogon in Mali and the people of Wales and Bhutan.
Photo: Another work by Timothy Allen depicting Bhutanese woman pours tea.
Emma Orbach, who lives in West Wales in a clay hut. Photo by Timothy Allen
Jonathan Ristrom from Denmark won the title of best young photographer 2013.
14-year-old boy became interested in photography while on safari on which he went with his grandfather. Jury shook his photograph, depicting a woman talking on a mobile phone in Croatia. He is the second prize winner from Denmark. "If Jonathan will continue to evolve in this direction, it is waiting for a bright future", - said the jury.
In Catalonia. Photo by David Oliete
Snapshot living in Vietnam American Justin Mott was awarded the highest award in the category of single pictures on the theme "Extraordinary".
This is a picture-winner in the category "Endangered peoples and cultures." It depicts a hunter with an eagle at his home in Mongolia.
For a single-shot of wild award was Peter Downing shot for kingfisher.
10-year-old Patria Prasaysa from Indonesia won the age group "14 years old and under" for a series of photos about an ant colony. In the photo: Ant and tailor-weevil, India
Judges of this contest were famous professional photographers Eamonn McCabe, Nick Meers, Chris Ueston- publisher of the German magazine FOTO. In the photo: the work of British photographer Cat Vinton. Fisherman in the Andaman Sea.
Jasper finish eating from Holland and Johnny Haglund from Norway shared the top honors in the category pictures on the wild. The work reflects the life of the Japanese eat up macaques in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
Photo: Another work by Timothy Allen depicting Bhutanese woman pours tea.
Emma Orbach, who lives in West Wales in a clay hut. Photo by Timothy Allen
Jonathan Ristrom from Denmark won the title of best young photographer 2013.
14-year-old boy became interested in photography while on safari on which he went with his grandfather. Jury shook his photograph, depicting a woman talking on a mobile phone in Croatia. He is the second prize winner from Denmark. "If Jonathan will continue to evolve in this direction, it is waiting for a bright future", - said the jury.
In Catalonia. Photo by David Oliete
Snapshot living in Vietnam American Justin Mott was awarded the highest award in the category of single pictures on the theme "Extraordinary".
This is a picture-winner in the category "Endangered peoples and cultures." It depicts a hunter with an eagle at his home in Mongolia.
For a single-shot of wild award was Peter Downing shot for kingfisher.
10-year-old Patria Prasaysa from Indonesia won the age group "14 years old and under" for a series of photos about an ant colony. In the photo: Ant and tailor-weevil, India
Judges of this contest were famous professional photographers Eamonn McCabe, Nick Meers, Chris Ueston- publisher of the German magazine FOTO. In the photo: the work of British photographer Cat Vinton. Fisherman in the Andaman Sea.
Jasper finish eating from Holland and Johnny Haglund from Norway shared the top honors in the category pictures on the wild. The work reflects the life of the Japanese eat up macaques in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.