Brain injury from football
Montefiore Medical Center conducted a study on whether you can get brain damage from frequent headers soccer ball. As the author of Michael Lipton, his group managed to get good evidence that this is true - reports BBC News. In the study participated 32 amateur soccer players. They had a brain scan, and then processed data using the method of diffusion tensor imaging. This allowed most carefully examine the condition of the tissue and nerve cells of the cerebral mozga.
Besides the subjects answered the questions, how often they have to work his head in the fight for the ball during matches and training. According to the researchers, survey data and correlating the results of the scan, we can confidently say that the interaction with the ball leads to a slight head injury, which over time only compounded. This applies mainly to areas of the brain responsible for memory, attention and mental functions of the highest order. Such destruction of nerve fibers is observed after about a thousand beats a soccer ball on his head. And if a simple man in the street, this figure seems difficult to achieve, the players reach this result in just a few days.
Source: mirfactov.com/