On the site there is a medical question to the doctor. Here are some questions and answers to them - those that were banned by the censors for publication on the website (for obvious reasons).
Q: My girls inflammation of the ovaries. Say, it can be transmitted sexually? -Max T.
Answer: Maxim, when you find yourself at the ovaries, then you will be given a completely different question - how did you become a lesbian and why you called the man's name ...
Q: I have this balit side at the bottom and a little around the waist. Pastavte deagnoz lichit and how?
A: This is called a disease. Treat all conspiracies and poultices. Pomoget.
Q: Tell me the popular methods of treating cancer (100% guaranteed).
Answer: To get started, try to feed him. If this does not work, change the water. Do not let the children write to the aquarium, put it higher. Drinking water from the tank is also not necessary, trace amounts of alcohol with your lips into the water and cause cancer alcohol intoxication. From folk remedies to help cancer chlorella, kelp, and a number of aquatic plants - they saturate the water with oxygen. You can also dissolve in the aquarium aspirin tablet, capsule and pills nootropil "Revit", and then ask yourself why you did it.
Q: My arms and legs are too zavoloseli. I want to remove them. What can you advise?
Answer: Why remove the arms and legs? They can just shave.
Q: my boyfriend appeared yellowish, transparent like jelly clots in the semen. what could it be?
Answer: It can be: - droplets of urine coagulated sperm - parasites - clusters of dead sperm - foreign bodies (eg, snot - because I do not know how they got there)
Q: Tell me where the doctor takes Vydrochkin, or you can write, how to treat gonorrhea fresh sawdust and mercury, and what to do when complications?
A: We think that the doctor Vydrochkin has never accepts. You can try to find it in the commission of imprisonment or a diploma in pre-trial detention. On a date can enroll in the usual manner.
Q: My daughter Internet addiction. It holds in it more than six hours a day and the rest of the digging in the books and medical reference books. She probably still a drug addict? Tell me what to do? My phone 11-22-33.
A: Your daughter does not suffer from Internet addiction. It's just her job - to answer questions such turkeys as you, Dad. And stop every day to cut the cord from the phone, and the money saved each day I promise to buy you a pack of yogurt. Good?
Q: My girls inflammation of the ovaries. Say, it can be transmitted sexually? -Max T.
Answer: Maxim, when you find yourself at the ovaries, then you will be given a completely different question - how did you become a lesbian and why you called the man's name ...
Q: I have this balit side at the bottom and a little around the waist. Pastavte deagnoz lichit and how?
A: This is called a disease. Treat all conspiracies and poultices. Pomoget.
Q: Tell me the popular methods of treating cancer (100% guaranteed).
Answer: To get started, try to feed him. If this does not work, change the water. Do not let the children write to the aquarium, put it higher. Drinking water from the tank is also not necessary, trace amounts of alcohol with your lips into the water and cause cancer alcohol intoxication. From folk remedies to help cancer chlorella, kelp, and a number of aquatic plants - they saturate the water with oxygen. You can also dissolve in the aquarium aspirin tablet, capsule and pills nootropil "Revit", and then ask yourself why you did it.
Q: My arms and legs are too zavoloseli. I want to remove them. What can you advise?
Answer: Why remove the arms and legs? They can just shave.
Q: my boyfriend appeared yellowish, transparent like jelly clots in the semen. what could it be?
Answer: It can be: - droplets of urine coagulated sperm - parasites - clusters of dead sperm - foreign bodies (eg, snot - because I do not know how they got there)
Q: Tell me where the doctor takes Vydrochkin, or you can write, how to treat gonorrhea fresh sawdust and mercury, and what to do when complications?
A: We think that the doctor Vydrochkin has never accepts. You can try to find it in the commission of imprisonment or a diploma in pre-trial detention. On a date can enroll in the usual manner.
Q: My daughter Internet addiction. It holds in it more than six hours a day and the rest of the digging in the books and medical reference books. She probably still a drug addict? Tell me what to do? My phone 11-22-33.
A: Your daughter does not suffer from Internet addiction. It's just her job - to answer questions such turkeys as you, Dad. And stop every day to cut the cord from the phone, and the money saved each day I promise to buy you a pack of yogurt. Good?