Creative ring (8 photos)
Which finger to wear ring? The symbolism of the rings - the value and meaning
Saturn and its ring
Journey through the rings of Saturn (12 photos)
Data collected by "Voyager-2", is still helping scientists explore the Solar system
Displaying the gravitational forces of the solar system
Jewelry store saleswoman shows how to quickly determine the size of a ring on her finger
Useful ring
Look at how the Earth looked like, whether she had the same ring as Saturn
Discovered the first asteroid with rings
The history of engagement rings
Rings that Soviet fashionistas will not exchange for any diamonds
Here's how rings affect our fate: Alena Kurilova conscientiously answers questions
Guru forbade to wear a ring on this finger, took off – and immediately in life everything got better.
How much is a wedding on the balloon or on the yacht?
Astronomers studied the farthest ring of Saturn
Why you shouldn’t be afraid to lose your wedding ring
The jeweler looked at my fingers and chose a ring that makes them longer and thinner.
What are the rings on different fingers?
The asymmetry in the structure of the human body
Class Rings
Do the diamonds — it's bad? Knowing these rules, I began to wear rings.
Wedding ring
Seven Wonders of the Solar System
Crazy Idea: 24 of the most unusual designs rings.
Which finger to wear ring? The symbolism of the rings - the value and meaning
Saturn and its ring
Journey through the rings of Saturn (12 photos)
Data collected by "Voyager-2", is still helping scientists explore the Solar system
Displaying the gravitational forces of the solar system
Jewelry store saleswoman shows how to quickly determine the size of a ring on her finger
Useful ring
Look at how the Earth looked like, whether she had the same ring as Saturn
Discovered the first asteroid with rings
The history of engagement rings
Rings that Soviet fashionistas will not exchange for any diamonds
Here's how rings affect our fate: Alena Kurilova conscientiously answers questions
Guru forbade to wear a ring on this finger, took off – and immediately in life everything got better.
How much is a wedding on the balloon or on the yacht?
Astronomers studied the farthest ring of Saturn
Why you shouldn’t be afraid to lose your wedding ring
The jeweler looked at my fingers and chose a ring that makes them longer and thinner.
What are the rings on different fingers?
The asymmetry in the structure of the human body
Class Rings
Do the diamonds — it's bad? Knowing these rules, I began to wear rings.
Wedding ring
Seven Wonders of the Solar System
Crazy Idea: 24 of the most unusual designs rings.