Kuck is planted by the entire home of sukculents.
Houseplants Like potato chips, one is never enough. I am glad that from a tiny twig you can easily grow full-fledged adult plants.
Thanks to this curious way, you will fill the house with your favorite pots quickly and completely at no cost. Follow these 5 tips and by spring, rows of green pets will be pleasing to the eye.
Succulents at home
Succulent plants Easy to care for. They are suitable for lazy owners who do not want to do daily watering. The main thing is to put the pot with the plant into the light. The great thing about growing succulents at home is that they tend to do well for a few weeks, even if neglected altogether.
We hope we have prepared you well for proper breeding and indoor succulent care. Tell your friends that growing succulents is very fun and soothing!

Thanks to this curious way, you will fill the house with your favorite pots quickly and completely at no cost. Follow these 5 tips and by spring, rows of green pets will be pleasing to the eye.
Succulents at home
- Take the stem or leaf of the plant
Succulents multiply both leaves and stems. If you want to use the stem, cut it right above the leaf with sharp scissors. So that the infection does not get into the cut and the plant does not get sick, preheat the scissors above the steam. To grow succulent From the leaf, choose the most mature and healthy-looking leaf. Slowly move it from side to side until it comes off. Make sure it separates from the mother plant without breaking and leaving a small groove. For a successful landing, only a whole sheet is suitable without damage. - Add a growth booster
This stage is optional, since succulents are perfectly rooted on their own. But if you want the process to go faster, dip them in a special growth hormone. It's sold in agricultural stores. - Make sure the root is formed.
Before planting a stem or leaf in the soil, let the root form. Don't let the cuttings rot. To do this, simply put them for a few days to dry on the window sill. Do not worry: succulents accumulate a large supply of water in the leaves, so they can remain without a source of moisture for a long time. - Landing time.
If you see new roots at the tips of cuttings, then it is now. planting in prepared soil. At this stage, you can plant them in individual pots or plant them together in the form of a plantation. Carefully press the cuttings into the soil or a specialized mass for succulents, so as not to damage the delicate roots. - Take care of new plants
After laying in the ground, follow the basic instructions for the care of succulents. Water them abundantly 1 time per month. Before watering, the substrate should be completely dry. Use a sprayer to avoid excessive watering. It is enough to feed the succulent once with fertilizers in spring or summer so that the plant is healthy for a whole year.
Succulent plants Easy to care for. They are suitable for lazy owners who do not want to do daily watering. The main thing is to put the pot with the plant into the light. The great thing about growing succulents at home is that they tend to do well for a few weeks, even if neglected altogether.
We hope we have prepared you well for proper breeding and indoor succulent care. Tell your friends that growing succulents is very fun and soothing!
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