How to make a wardrobe

Shopping is needed by a woman like air, and scientists assure that running around shopping in search of the right things replaces the beautiful half of humanity charging and has a positive effect on mental health. However, several wrong steps - and not only the bank card and the nerves of the husband suffer, but also the wardrobe. Voila, and your closet is full of problematic clothes - beautiful, stylish, but completely impractical things.


"Site" will tell What kind of things to buy It is absolutely not worth it to protect yourself from unnecessary hassle, and the wallet from additional expenses. These 12 Things Are Complicating Your Life

Anti-Trends 2018
  1. White pants for summer
    At first glance, light summer pants are a must-have for hot weather. And no matter how cool light pants are, very often they bring more inconvenience than joy. Then too tight, then too light, then completely transparent and under them can be seen underwear. In short, the expectations of such a purchase are very different from reality. To avoid unpleasant situations and not to waste money, choose trousers made of denser fabrics or summer trousers of other colors.

  2. Leather products
    Leather leggings are the most controversial item in the wardrobe and it seems that the hype around it will never subside. We agree with those who do not like products from this ambiguous material. Firstly, such clothing requires its owner of impeccable taste, and if there is no such thing, leather things can look simply vulgar. Secondly, the taste of taste, but the figure is desirable to have a chiseled, because tight leather leggings mercilessly cover the most appetizing curves. In addition, things from leather creak so unpleasantly that spoil the nerves not only their owner, but also all around.

  3. Too long dresses and skirts
    A dress or skirt to the floor is an elegant and very feminine wardrobe item, which brings as much trouble as the enthusiastic sighs of others. It should be noted that this dress, the hem of which is infinitely weaved on the ground, and then and then entangles your feet in the knot, collects dust and dirt, requiring constant washing, and passers-by are eager to step on it, leaving you in one underwear. If you are not going to walk along the red carpet, choose dresses and skirts for everyday wear until the middle of the caviar, no longer.

  4. The latest squeak of fashion
    Trendy things are most often those that we buy, spitting on our own style and needs, blindly following trends. And let such a thing be uncomfortable, will bring a lot of trouble and deprive you of an impressive amount of money, but you will be the first fashionista on the subway on the way to work. Before you buy such a new thing next time, think about whether it does not contradict the features of your figure and fits into your wardrobe. Maybe if it wasn't trendy, you'd have gone the tenth way?

  5. Tops and dresses without straps
    The bando dress seems like an ideal option for summer, it gently emphasizes the captivating curves, lengthens the legs and is suitable for both a social event and a walk around the city. The only thing is that it's terribly uncomfortable. Endlessly pulling up a dress or a top without straps, you will curse a hundred times the craftsman who invented this style. And if you have several outfits with open shoulders in your wardrobe, ennoble them with barely noticeable straps and wear them with pleasure.

  6. Fitting knitwear
    Belly pulled, butt back, back straight... Just imagine that in a tight-fitting knitted dress you will have to support army dressing all day long, do not eat extra and do not breathe at all. In addition, knitwear mercilessly emphasize extra centimeters, causing a lot of inconvenience.

  7. Complicated decor
    It is, of course, stunningly beautiful, but completely impractical. Having got a dress with sequins and rich decor, leave it for special occasions. And if you want to shine every day, prepare to sacrifice yourself during every wash and ironing of your favorite product.

  8. Cheap things
    Being able to save is an amazing skill, but a basic wardrobe will not tolerate cheapness. Choosing penny things, you condemn yourself to change them constantly. A clumsy cut, synthetics that do not breathe, and cheap fabric that fades after the first wash, stretches and is covered with reels are the main signs of poor-quality things and illiterate economy. It is not necessary to flatly abandon budget items, you just need to take a closer approach to the choice of the latter, and it is better to wait for sales and buy a couple of high-quality basic things at the price of consumer goods.


  9. Very short dresses and skirts
    Leave short skirts, shorts and dresses for the beach season and period. No matter how long and slender your legs are, very short things are neither to sit down nor bend over. For everyday activities, choose more comfortable clothes that will not cause additional hassle.

  10. Plain whites
    White clothes are not only not practical, but also extremely demanding for their owner. Are you afraid of smearing a snow-white T-shirt with a chocolate filling? Trust me, these are flowers. The white top is able to stain the most well-groomed teeth in yellow, and the idea of wearing a neutral top and bottom will burn out if things are at least slightly different in shades. As if this is not enough, bright things one or two expose all the shortcomings of the figure, besides, they require careful care. We recommend that you give preference to warm shades of white (milk, ivory) and buy summer clothes only in such colors.

  11. Too much black.
    Do you know what to wear? Dress in black! Even black clothes should be worn wisely. Not only is any speck visible on a black background, the total black look can turn you into a slob, even if the most expensive things will differ in shades. There is a great alternative to gloomy black - deep blue, dark green or no less elegant burgundy.

  12. Shoes made of leather
    Lacquered shoes and shoes, although beautiful, but do not forget that they are quite tough and often rub their feet. In addition, the sounds that such shoes make while walking are a minus that will definitely make you prefer products made of softer and pliable materials next time.


You've had so many impractical and failed purchases? Share your experience in the comments.


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