IMPORTANT information for parents! Many symptoms, one disease
Craniofacial dystrophy is a disease manifested a whole "bouquet" of symptoms, and many parents find it difficult to imagine that they can be connected. The child does not tolerate physical loads, weak, disturbed occlusion and posture, develops valgus, says something not very right, is nocturnal enuresis... How it's all connected, and can it be cured? Let's deal!
Craniofacial dystrophy characterized by impaired mobility of the skull bones and change their proper locations. It is considered that the skull is a monolithic structure.
However, in the 60-ies of the last century it was proved that the bones of the skull movable skull like breathing 6-8 times per minute, expanding and tapering. Sounds ominous, right? In fact, this mobility is limited to fractions of millimeters, so we do not see or feel a breath.
But if it is broken, it has a devastating impact on the brain and, therefore, what he governs the whole body. In particular, disturbed muscle tone of the body: this means that some muscles are in constant strain, while others virtually do not operate.
Hence – a huge number of symptoms, which can cause craniofacial dystrophy.
Here is an example from practice.
The girl who's tired of all the
Six-year old girl: feels bad on literally all fronts. By evening, the regular headache, can't play along with their peers – gets tired quickly, about sports and can not speak; there are violations of posture and malocclusion (jaw narrow and there is no space for eruption of the canines), valgus deformity of foot (the bone at the base of the thumb). Plus, regular colds, which give complications to the respiratory tract. Clearly pronounces individual sounds, often irritable and crying... well, a child grows up without any pleasure!
What to do in such cases? Mother went to different doctors and the results of the examination were treated different symptoms separately. But, as was to be expected, overall the girl's condition did not improve.
As we adapted the experience of Australian colleagues
The Australian experience of orthodontists shows that the visible effect in the treatment of craniofacial dystrophy can be obtained using myofunctional trainers (special mouth guard that separates the jaw and restore the tonus of all the muscles of the face and head) in combination with special exercises.
Orthodontist picks up the child needs a mouth guard, and an expert on myofunctional gymnastics teaches a child to do exercises for the muscles of the mouth, tongue and larynx, which reinforce the effect from wearing a mouth guard. And all of these activities allow you to literally straighten the body: as soon as restored the tone of the facial muscles, acquire normal mobility of the bones of the skull – and the man starts to recover.
It would seem that everything is simple and brilliant. However, according to research Australians, the best effect can be achieved in 1.5-3 years of regular wear mouth guards and exercises. And the children's sense of time 1.5 years is like a decade in the understanding of an adult.
How to accelerate those results?
We combined wearing caps and myofunctional exercises with osteopathic work. And the results of the joint work of the orthodontist (which owns appliances myofunctional gymnastics) and the osteopath in three session saw the first tangible results.
One of the external manifestations of the disease – cyanosis under the eyes (the brain loses oxygen, and the signal – extensive bruising, as the person who didn't get enough sleep). After the third session, the girl went completely black eyes. Eliminated another manifestation of the disease such as mouth breathing (due which the body loses oxygen, and the infection is easier to penetrate into the body): now she confidently breathes a nose, and tongue is in the correct position.
This simple procedure will help you to quickly clean the lymphatic system, the Fascia — the "secret" on your body
To start to improve posture. The headaches remained, but bother not every day, but less than once a week. Increased tolerance to stress: a girl plays on a par with peers, runs on a walk and was happy to go to the gym.
There is still a lot of work, but now we come to reception a fun and noisy and not always tired kid. And it's very inspiring! published
Author: Juliana Korchevna
Source: www.osteopolyclinic.ru/article/12/

Craniofacial dystrophy characterized by impaired mobility of the skull bones and change their proper locations. It is considered that the skull is a monolithic structure.
However, in the 60-ies of the last century it was proved that the bones of the skull movable skull like breathing 6-8 times per minute, expanding and tapering. Sounds ominous, right? In fact, this mobility is limited to fractions of millimeters, so we do not see or feel a breath.
But if it is broken, it has a devastating impact on the brain and, therefore, what he governs the whole body. In particular, disturbed muscle tone of the body: this means that some muscles are in constant strain, while others virtually do not operate.
Hence – a huge number of symptoms, which can cause craniofacial dystrophy.

Here is an example from practice.
The girl who's tired of all the
Six-year old girl: feels bad on literally all fronts. By evening, the regular headache, can't play along with their peers – gets tired quickly, about sports and can not speak; there are violations of posture and malocclusion (jaw narrow and there is no space for eruption of the canines), valgus deformity of foot (the bone at the base of the thumb). Plus, regular colds, which give complications to the respiratory tract. Clearly pronounces individual sounds, often irritable and crying... well, a child grows up without any pleasure!
What to do in such cases? Mother went to different doctors and the results of the examination were treated different symptoms separately. But, as was to be expected, overall the girl's condition did not improve.
As we adapted the experience of Australian colleagues
The Australian experience of orthodontists shows that the visible effect in the treatment of craniofacial dystrophy can be obtained using myofunctional trainers (special mouth guard that separates the jaw and restore the tonus of all the muscles of the face and head) in combination with special exercises.
Orthodontist picks up the child needs a mouth guard, and an expert on myofunctional gymnastics teaches a child to do exercises for the muscles of the mouth, tongue and larynx, which reinforce the effect from wearing a mouth guard. And all of these activities allow you to literally straighten the body: as soon as restored the tone of the facial muscles, acquire normal mobility of the bones of the skull – and the man starts to recover.
It would seem that everything is simple and brilliant. However, according to research Australians, the best effect can be achieved in 1.5-3 years of regular wear mouth guards and exercises. And the children's sense of time 1.5 years is like a decade in the understanding of an adult.
How to accelerate those results?
We combined wearing caps and myofunctional exercises with osteopathic work. And the results of the joint work of the orthodontist (which owns appliances myofunctional gymnastics) and the osteopath in three session saw the first tangible results.
One of the external manifestations of the disease – cyanosis under the eyes (the brain loses oxygen, and the signal – extensive bruising, as the person who didn't get enough sleep). After the third session, the girl went completely black eyes. Eliminated another manifestation of the disease such as mouth breathing (due which the body loses oxygen, and the infection is easier to penetrate into the body): now she confidently breathes a nose, and tongue is in the correct position.
This simple procedure will help you to quickly clean the lymphatic system, the Fascia — the "secret" on your body
To start to improve posture. The headaches remained, but bother not every day, but less than once a week. Increased tolerance to stress: a girl plays on a par with peers, runs on a walk and was happy to go to the gym.
There is still a lot of work, but now we come to reception a fun and noisy and not always tired kid. And it's very inspiring! published
Author: Juliana Korchevna
Source: www.osteopolyclinic.ru/article/12/
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