Then finally it turned out that sarcasm develops creative thinking

To be a little sarcastic, it turns out, is not only fun but also useful. According to research by scientists from Columbia University, Harvard and the INSEAD business school, sarcasm directly affects the development of creative and abstract thinking.
The fact is that any sarcastic statement which induces a person think deeply about its true value. A series of tests in which participants were divided into two groups: some were talking among themselves directly and without equivocation, and others spoke in a sarcastic manner.
It turned out that the band that was ironically to Express and perceive the same comments from interviewees, much better proved in the subsequent creative tests. So, scientists came to the conclusion that sarcasm is a catalyst for creative thinking, both for the storyteller and for the listener.

Of course, there are the reverse of the medal: sarcasm can get people to think outside the box, but the cause of quarrel. Therefore, Adam Galinsky (Galinsky Adam) of Columbia University notes that sarcasm causes the least negative in the conversation of people who are in a fiduciary relationship.
Another observation was that your own jokes man considers to be funnier than they are perceived by the interviewee. Anyway, even Oscar Wilde said that sarcasm is the highest form of intelligence, and we have no reason to disagree with him.
Source HARVARDgazette
Photos on the preview Capital Film
See also
10 reasons why smart people love sarcasm
15 comics, proving that with sarcasm to live easier and more fun
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