Scientists have discovered genes that affect intelligence

Genes that affect intelligence, managed to find a team of neuroscientists from the laboratory at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. About his discovery, scientists announced in the latest edition of PNAS.
As experts explain, they discovered sets of genes are not simply enable you to perform well daily tasks, for example, is beneficial to remove hotel in Moscow cheap. We are talking about the real breakthrough in the understanding of the human genius as a phenomenon.
The experts note that, most likely, they discovered a list of genes is far from complete. However, it is material to work with that can help in the treatment of many neurodegenerative pathologies.
As in the human brain there are a huge number of genes, and to track the contribution of each to the intellect is simply unrealistic, the bulk of research in this area is carried out on animals. However, experts from the Netherlands decided to go the other way. Scientists have discovered several variations, which are responsible for the progress of pupils in the school, after which he was selected the variation that is directly responsible for intelligence.
In the first stage, neuroscientists used the so-called "genome wide Association". This method is used in the case where it is necessary to detect gene variations of any disease. In this case, the role disease played an excellent pass rate.
To his study of Dutch neuroscientists attracted about 130,000 volunteers from several countries of USA, Australia and Europe. After a few months of hard work, scientists were able to identify 69 variations in human genome that otherwise affect the intelligence of homo sapiens.
These variations are, in General, affect the level of IQ, however, only four specific gene found determined the cognitive functions of human POU2F3, KNCMA1, NRXN1 and SCRT. Scientists have found that each gene of the four responsible for the mechanism of learning and memory at the cellular level.
In the second stage, the sampling method changed. The experts searched for genes which were responsible only for intelligence. As a result, managed to detect three changeable plot. Thus highlighted three of the genome, which determine the degree of mental development.
That is, three genes encode the level of success of implementation of intellectual tasks. In the table of data genomes "intelligent" structural units recorded under the IDs rs1487441, rs2721173 and rs7923609.
Although the fact that intelligence in some degree due to genetic preconditions, has been known for a long time, this scientific work is the first that examined the relationship between intelligence and genes in a global scale. As explained by the authors, their scientific work can become the basis for the creation of techniques for the forecasting abilities of the person and protection against development of age-related dementia.
Source: zeleneet.com