What does the taste of iodine in my mouth
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Each of us had to deal with such phenomena as weird aftertaste after consumption of any food or strange taste in mouth with or without food. Most do not pay attention to it, and yet this symptom may be a sign of a serious disease.
What, for example, may indicate the taste of iodine in your mouth? Most of all – about iodism is iodine poisoning. This condition may occur with an overdose of drugs containing iodine. In addition to the taste of iodine, iodism iodine characteristic odor of breath, staining of the mucous membranes of the mouth, burning and pain in the throat, nausea, vomiting, thirst, dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, convulsions. The symptoms can be removed or reduced by drinking a little flour or potato starch dissolved in water. It is also necessary to perform gastric lavage with sodium thiosulfate.
The taste of iodine can also be the consequence of thyroid disease (including hyperthyroidism). In addition to taste of iodine, the patient may experience irritability, swelling of the legs, changes of body weight. In the presence of these symptoms should immediately go to an endocrinologist.
The cause of the unpleasant aftertaste can also be disorders in the liver. Most often these disorders suffer lovers fat food and alcohol. In this case, a visit to the doctor is also necessary.
And generally try to pay more attention to signals from your body. Any unusual sensation should be the occasion for serious study. And if necessary for treatment to doctors.
Source: /users/1077
Each of us had to deal with such phenomena as weird aftertaste after consumption of any food or strange taste in mouth with or without food. Most do not pay attention to it, and yet this symptom may be a sign of a serious disease.
What, for example, may indicate the taste of iodine in your mouth? Most of all – about iodism is iodine poisoning. This condition may occur with an overdose of drugs containing iodine. In addition to the taste of iodine, iodism iodine characteristic odor of breath, staining of the mucous membranes of the mouth, burning and pain in the throat, nausea, vomiting, thirst, dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, convulsions. The symptoms can be removed or reduced by drinking a little flour or potato starch dissolved in water. It is also necessary to perform gastric lavage with sodium thiosulfate.
The taste of iodine can also be the consequence of thyroid disease (including hyperthyroidism). In addition to taste of iodine, the patient may experience irritability, swelling of the legs, changes of body weight. In the presence of these symptoms should immediately go to an endocrinologist.
The cause of the unpleasant aftertaste can also be disorders in the liver. Most often these disorders suffer lovers fat food and alcohol. In this case, a visit to the doctor is also necessary.
And generally try to pay more attention to signals from your body. Any unusual sensation should be the occasion for serious study. And if necessary for treatment to doctors.
Source: /users/1077