The structure of the brain, distinguishable by scanning related to the quality of human personality

Биологи Oxford University argue , that may very likely determine a good man or bad, success or failure, based only on the results of the brain scan. The study results were published last week in the journal Nature Neuroscience a >.
This study was one of the first successful work in a global (and ambitious) project studying human konnektoma (Human Connectome Project, HCP). The project was started by the National Institutes of Health in 2009.
Connect - a full description of the structure of connections in the nervous system of the body. The term was proposed in 2005 independently by two researchers Olaf Spornsom Hagman and Patrick, by analogy with the term "genome". One hypothesis says that in the connections between neurons concluded many aspects of human individuality, personality and intelligence - so the description konnektoma person can be a great step towards the understanding of many mental processes.
In 2010, Dr. Sebastian Seung [Sebastian Seung], a neuroscientist at one of the conferences made a provocative statement: "I am - this is my connection". He believes that a person's personality, his habits, lifestyle, memory and experience are stored in the functional connections of the brain. If you break these ties, it is damaged and personality. To understand this question, science needs to build detailed maps of the brain - it can help the study of the principles of our consciousness.
Under the project, HCP has been scanned using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) test more than 1,200 adults. They are scanned at a time when people are not focused on some problems, and their minds are rested. It is believed that this time can be considered the best base connections in the brain.
In the study, the scientists compared the three-dimensional model of the brain with the personal data of subjects - from IQ tests and socio-economic indicators, and ending with the life satisfaction of their own reviews, and cases of application of violence in the past. They tried to find, whether linked somehow certain brain connections configuration with specific characteristics of people.

how to build a connection i>
"We get evidence that the work of the brain, its structure and connectedness of many aspects of human behavior are tightly bound to each other," - says Dr. Stephen Smith, an engineer biomedical and lead author of the work.
Scientists using computer statistical analysis of brain structures and characteristics of the people managed to build a simple correlation. Various types of structures able to be positioned along only one axis on one side of which are "good" quality (good education, better memory, physical abilities), and on the other - the "bad" (difficulties with submission rules, poor quality of sleep). < br />
On the "positive" side of the axis were those structures in which more manifest connection between cognitive parts of the brain working memory, language and imagination. According to Dr. Marcus Raychl [Marcus Raichle], neuroscientist University of Washington, it is surprising that only a simple brain scan in a quiet mode is enough to rank a large number of quality of life for a simple axis.
In fact, it was possible to separate the successful people with successful from the unsuccessful qualities. However, he also notes that from this work can not be concluded, as the different qualities are associated with each other, and whether they are the cause or the consequence of a certain konnektoma brain.
In addition, despite the possibility of a simple ranking, it is not necessary to hope that it will soon be able to accurately and proactively to divide people into "good" and "bad" using brain scans. Division for recruitment is necessary to refrain from buying fMRI machines.
Meanwhile, other studies are continuing on a draft HCP. A team of Harvard University is studying how changes in aging people to connect. Steven Smith leads the UK study brain development in newborns, to study the stages of brain growth before and after birth. Under the project, the scientists analyzed the genetic data of the subjects to understand, in what proportions genetic factors and exposure to the environment of human influence on the formation of konnektoma.
The first among the living creatures was described connects the worm Caenorhabditis elegans in 1986. His nervous system has only about 302 of the neuron, and 7000 connections. Determination konnektoma nematode worm, took more than 12 years.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/263816/
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