The bones of dinosaurs in the museum - it's really no dice

Skeletons of dinosaurs can be seen in many paleontological museums. Thousands of people come, considering bone and wonder of their antiquity. But it is worth it for a minute to think about it, it will become quite clear: the entire museum is actually not a single bone!
All organic material that was once the dinosaurs naturally disintegrated after the death of millions of years ago. So that's what we can see in the museum is actually just stones. When an animal dies, a large part of his body decomposes rather quickly, leaving the organic sediment covering the bone. Under the influence of the chemical processes occurring in the environment, then the precipitate is gradually turning into a stone that can save millions of years to form bone.
Unfortunately, fossilization is too long and complex process to be widespread. Only a very small number of dinosaur skeletons were "lucky" to turn into stones that people find in different parts of the world.
via factroom.ru