If you earn at least 1 million rubles a year, you enter the 1% richest people
On the Internet, information is quite common that the world only 1% of people who can be called rich. But in the view of most "rich" man - a big businessman or even an oligarch. In fact, there is a view of a few more.
Everything is relative. If you earn at least $ 34,000 per year (1.02 million rubles., T. E. 85 000 rubles. Per month), you can safely classify themselves to the "rich" 1%. This is not surprising when you consider that the average income of the middle class by world standards - that's $ 1225 a year (36 750 rub.) The economist Branko Milanovic addresses this issue in comparison with the American middle-income countries:
"This representative of the middle class - those who can be considered as established in the global, the global sense - can not even dream about, to have a house, car, retirement savings and education of children in college and university. He lives in a little more than $ 1,000 a year, and in undeveloped countries this figure - not poverty. »
By the year 2005, half of the 1% richest people living in the United States (29 million). More 4 million live in Germany, and the rest are scattered throughout Europe, Latin America and some Asian countries. But in India, Africa and China, representatives of almost 1% not found, despite the fact that it is - the most densely populated areas of the world.
via factroom.ru
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