Your "repressed memories, hidden in the depths of memory" does not exist
Psychologists believe that repressed memories - a myth, but because of the myth that people regularly fall into tyurmu
Many people are convinced that their repressed memories are real. It has become a fashionable trend in popular culture, and some practicing physicians still think that working with repressed memories - a great way to help the patient get better.
The problem is that these doctors are not only engaged in pseudo-scientific nonsense, but also cause patients more harm than good. In fact, the question of the existence of repressed memories has always been very controversial in psychological circles.
On the one hand, we have people who are firmly convinced that "repressed memories" of which they say patients are very real. And this despite the complete absence of real evidence. Many of these physicians feel outrage researchers trying to debunk the myth of repressed memories.
But the problem is that memory is incredibly variable that has been proven by several studies. Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has taken part in dozens of trials as an expert and tried to help those who have been convicted only on the basis of "repressed memories" or based on very shaky eyewitness testimony.
Gradually she realized that because of the ability of the brain to the falsification of memories, many subjects are likely to have been convicted unfairly. She decided to put an end to the false "repressed memories", because of which many people find themselves in prison. Her task was to prove that these memories - are not real, or at least to ensure that the court be treated with suspicion. Loftus put some experiments, and discovered how easy it can be "implanted" in memory of those false memories.
Gradually, other psychologists have joined the cause. Using several control groups of subjects, they found that those who believed in the reality of repressed memories were very suggestible people because "implanted" in their memory false memories was easy enough. But even more interesting was the fact that many of those who spoke about repressed memories, showed positive results in the stress tests. Simply put, people are so much convinced themselves the reality of their own repressed memories that began to show physical symptoms or signs of injury associated with those memories.
via factroom.ru

Many people are convinced that their repressed memories are real. It has become a fashionable trend in popular culture, and some practicing physicians still think that working with repressed memories - a great way to help the patient get better.
The problem is that these doctors are not only engaged in pseudo-scientific nonsense, but also cause patients more harm than good. In fact, the question of the existence of repressed memories has always been very controversial in psychological circles.
On the one hand, we have people who are firmly convinced that "repressed memories" of which they say patients are very real. And this despite the complete absence of real evidence. Many of these physicians feel outrage researchers trying to debunk the myth of repressed memories.

But the problem is that memory is incredibly variable that has been proven by several studies. Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has taken part in dozens of trials as an expert and tried to help those who have been convicted only on the basis of "repressed memories" or based on very shaky eyewitness testimony.
Gradually she realized that because of the ability of the brain to the falsification of memories, many subjects are likely to have been convicted unfairly. She decided to put an end to the false "repressed memories", because of which many people find themselves in prison. Her task was to prove that these memories - are not real, or at least to ensure that the court be treated with suspicion. Loftus put some experiments, and discovered how easy it can be "implanted" in memory of those false memories.

Gradually, other psychologists have joined the cause. Using several control groups of subjects, they found that those who believed in the reality of repressed memories were very suggestible people because "implanted" in their memory false memories was easy enough. But even more interesting was the fact that many of those who spoke about repressed memories, showed positive results in the stress tests. Simply put, people are so much convinced themselves the reality of their own repressed memories that began to show physical symptoms or signs of injury associated with those memories.
via factroom.ru
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