What are the white spots on Ceres? Theory + vote

Kriovulkan? Base Masons Reptilians? I>
A few days ago the probe Dawn, gradually moving closer to the dwarf planet Ceres, gave regular images of the surface of the planetoid. Scientists saw again those same white spots found in the crater. Unfortunately, still do not understand the nature of these spots - scientists have expressed different assumptions, but a unified theory, supported by the facts yet.
The latest snapshot of the station received from a distance of 22,000 kilometers, the image obtained at the time of the passage of the probe above the north pole of Ceres. It is worth noting that, for some reason, one of the teams transferred control center unit, the probe was not accepted, after which he moved to safe mode. Fortunately, the following commands probe received, and resumed the previous mode. May 9 will begin the final stage of rapprochement with the planetoid that will (I would like to hope so) the nature of the white spots. NASA on its website even now shall vote among readers, whose purpose - to find out to what theory of the origin of spots tend amateurs and professional scientists.
In the vote - 5 points, the most common theory, plus a sixth - his opinion:
1. Volcano (here meant kriovulkan);
2. Geyser (controversial theory, but it has a right to exist);
3. Bright rocks outcrop (possibly with the meteorite bared blonde bedrock);
4. Exit the ice;
5. The deposits of mineral salts;
6. Other.
Vote please visit NASA .
Here's an interesting video, with the assumptions about the nature of sunspots (the truth, it's all in English):
There are also more exotic assumptions about the nature spots. Some resources suggest that the nature spots - electric.
Are bright spots on Ceres electric? http://t.co/biD2yItE6w - The Watchers (TheWatchers_) 8 April 2015 blockquote>
A year earlier, ESA specialists studied Ceres using the telescope Herschel. It was found that the planet is surrounded by a thin layer of water vapor. This means that under the thin surface layer of rocks can be thick words of water ice. And our spot - nothing more than a way out of ice on the surface.
Actually, all will become clear soon, so guessing is long. Let's have a vote and own? What do you think, what is the nature of spots? Kriovulkan Exit ice Geyser < Bright rocks Alien essence His version (unsubscribe in the comments) < / Voted 728 people. Excused 170 people. Only registered users can vote in polls. Sign , please.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249670/