Cure for Ebola virus-infected macaques saved

experimental drug from the Ebola virus monkeys rescued from death: medicine introduced 72 hours after infection. This is a good sign for drug tests on people who are already under way in Sierra Leone - the country for the last week alone зарегистрировали nine cases of infection.
The epidemic of Ebola virus has slowed. Now register not more than 50 cases per week infection worldwide. But for some African countries remains a serious problem, so scientists, включая Russian , looking for ways to prevent and treat infection. Great contribution to the study of virus Russian scientists made in 1996, and in the USSR in the 1980 Ebola considered as a biological weapon.
In the new study, scientists have given a lethal dose of virus six rhesus monkeys. After 72 hours, the three monkeys entered intravenous drug TKM-Ebola. Nine days later, the animals who were given the drug were still alive, the other three monkeys - died. "In three experimental animals developed hemorrhagic fever classic, and they died from the disease," - says study co-author . He noted that the monkeys who were given the drug, "and in fact did not get sick."
The drug companies have developed in Tekmira from Vancouver, Canada. Medication stops the production of a specific protein of Ebola. The disadvantage is the need for the drug intravenous injection, which is not very convenient for use in the field.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249416/
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