Especially the use of colored gels for nail

One of the most modern and popular materials for DIY nail color gels are to build. This synthetic material has excellent aesthetic characteristics, and also provides a long wearing naroshchennyh nails. Thus, at the same time created a fingernail and the basis for its design. The use of solid or translucent colors avoids the use of conventional varnish over a helium base while providing brightness and color fastness.

Quality цветные gels nail have good toughness, perfectly amenable to modeling during and after polymerization quite easily opilivaem and adjusted. Color Gel can be used to create a monochromatic color over the entire area of the nail. Especially good in this show themselves darker shades of opaque gels which have rich color even when applied in a single layer.
Opaque and translucent colors look great in toning stretching, which can serve as an independent ornament or background for the main figure. As the trend continues to be a French manicure, which requires the use of dense white gel with high viscosity. This gives the opportunity to form a master clear and neat edge.
In addition to obtaining new shades permissible to mix color gels of different colors, which can be purchased online nailprof.com.ua . In particular, an excellent result gives a dosed adding black to other colors for a more fuller and deeper shades. Also tinting starting material can be produced using special dry pigments. This allows you to receive exclusive shades corresponding to the customer's wishes.
High-quality color gels perfectly with different types of artificial turf can be used for bulk or planar design, permanent nail art and so on. Ease of use, beauty and resistance to external factors makes color gels excellent material for a wide range of works on nail design. This gel is well suited for use by professionals with vast experience, and for those who are just mastering the skill of nail design. Experimenting with colors and application techniques, can satisfy even the most demanding clients.