"Indian candle" or "wooden primus"
Such product as pictured, a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 10 cm, is made during 15-20 minutes, "work" within 30-35 minutes due to the good efficiency and allows to boil 2, 5 liters of water. In general, in such a small package, and it is very controversial, "an amateur." Much more effective "candles" in diameter by 12 cm at a length of 18 cm. However, in this case, the dimensions were chosen based on the fact that the presence was only a knife Victorinox Outrider (any other nail file also will do), do something more could they possibly but somewhat difficult.
Kind of wood which will provide the "wooden primus" does not matter, but it should be remembered that, for example spruce or pine "shoot" and give a lot of sparks, so use this "spark" for heating is not very convenient and comfortable. Birch well lit and hot, do not "shoot", but the flames she smokes a little, especially at the end of combustion. Most suitable dry aspen that burns smooth and colorless flame. In any case, in the manufacture of "Indian candle" should be used as much as possible, dry as possible, but not rotten wood.
Exterior proportions "candles" are dependent on the intended use - for example for cooking the most suitable short but thick, lighting - long and thin, so it was comfortable to wear, but for heating - a thick and long, it will burn for several hours.
The process of making "wooden primus" is very simple. Saw off the workpiece desired length.
Roundwood split in half and then half again in half. I would like to note that split the workpiece into four parts is not necessarily the less will be the later slots according to these slots "candle" burned, but cored druh halves harvesting more tedious and difficult than cut corners quarters.
Cored and knurled to have something like this.
Firmly connect the wire quarters, achieving as much as possible tight fit them to each other, and fills the middle of the small pieces of bark, or the remainder of the torch planing sawdust so that when this was not blocked free passage of air through the channel, otherwise there is no traction. If possible, the "candle" should be placed on stones or Poleshko to have its lower end was a small gap to the air. If not, be pre-cut in the lower side of the workpiece a small duct.
A small video of what happened.
Kindle, it should be borne in mind that if the main focus of the fire concentrated in the upper part of the channel, "candle", it will burn for a long time, but a weak flame, as if to incite "candle" from below, it will burn faster, but the flame is strong. The very process of incitement requires some skill and practice, each time will be obtained faster.
Force of flames "wooden primus" simply adjust the overlap air from below. Cooking sufficient flame height of 8-10 cm. When using the "spark" as a torch, it even much grief, you can hold in your hand, the tree a good thermal insulator.
When complete blocking access of air from below, "candle", it turns into an intense regime of corruption, which is convenient for heating already finished, but lukewarm food. In addition, "candle" is not necessarily the afterburning from beginning to end as soon as it is no longer a need for it just extinguished by closing access to air simultaneously from above and below.
But for example, this same "wooden primus", but made in larger sizes.
Gradually burn out, "Indian candle" begins to break down, so here it is important not to miss a moment. On the video shows the approximate state, after which the "candle" self-destruct within 5-7 minutes ...
Source: batfx.com