Comparison of brothels and prisons - where cozier?
German photographer Juergen Chill decided to compare comfort in prisons and brothels. He photographed both, let's see what happened.
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25 most brutal prisons in the world (25 photos)
Brutal prison
Prison "Crosses"
Hotels in old prisons
How to organize a room for two children
In search of succinic legend
7 best prisons in the world. Yes this is a real holiday camp!
6 The most modern chic Prison on our planet
Alcatraz - the most famous prison
Comparison of brothels and prisons (7 photos)
How to create comfort in the house
The bias value judgments and social comparison
Scandal Escape from Alcatraz
75 years of America's most famous prison - Alcatraz
Private prison for rent
Interesting facts about American prisons
Dutch prison
Rukodelniki from German prisons
Prison Valley
What things steal comfort in the house and where to put them
Test The Real You !!!
Prostitutes on floating barges in Utrecht
Death camps – an import from the West
US prison
25 most brutal prisons in the world (25 photos)
Brutal prison
Prison "Crosses"
Hotels in old prisons
How to organize a room for two children
In search of succinic legend
7 best prisons in the world. Yes this is a real holiday camp!
6 The most modern chic Prison on our planet
Alcatraz - the most famous prison
Comparison of brothels and prisons (7 photos)
How to create comfort in the house
The bias value judgments and social comparison
Scandal Escape from Alcatraz
75 years of America's most famous prison - Alcatraz
Private prison for rent
Interesting facts about American prisons
Dutch prison
Rukodelniki from German prisons
Prison Valley
What things steal comfort in the house and where to put them
Test The Real You !!!
Prostitutes on floating barges in Utrecht
Death camps – an import from the West
US prison
Teachings riot
Sculptures Pumpkin Ray Villafeyna