Pink flamingos. A lot!

In Kenya, 160 kilometers northwest of Nairobi, it is the National Park Lake Nakuru. "Nakuru" in the Masai language means "dusty place." In fact the place is quite marshy, and the lake is shallow and salty.
But sometimes it covers the surface of the murky waving pink blanket, and the air above it begins to tremble with avian hubbub.
Lake Nakuru flamingos gathering place small. Here they can be more than anywhere else in the world, millions of individuals.
Sitting down and taking off near the coastline, the myriad creatures form an ever-changing pattern of different shades of pink.
They feed flamingos, hanging his head and leading it from side to side B so through curved beak, specially adapted for collecting algae, the water passes.
Their beak and tongue edges are provided with small horny plates that trap plankton algae, small crustaceans and other invertebrates. The characteristic red or pink color of their plumage gives a special pigment from the shells of small crustaceans. With food he ingested a bird, and then in the plumage.

PS: God forbid that fall under their "shelling" if they again start shit!
6 ph via fauna_ru





