The tragedy of Volokolamsk 02/05 / 2004-04 / 09/2013
In May 2004, in the Volokolamsk district, Moscow region went missing four young men: Oleg Korshunov Alexander Kerbabayev Sergey Efimov and Sergei watchman. Let's go to the store on the golden "six", and more of them never seen again ....
Searched by all means, literally digging the ground nose, they combed the woods, checked career, questioned everyone and everything ... all my might, but, unfortunately, only his. Volokolamsk cops is not something that did not help - in fact - prevented conduct searches. Even the FSB could not get them to move.
There were witnesses who saw both the "six" traffic cops chased and heard gunshots. Sadly - find witnesses native children, but not brave law enforcement officers.
And spun the wheel of justice. Continued under the cut ...
Connect the CSS. Brought polygraph. Which clearly and concisely cops showed involvement in the disappearance of children. But one of the suspects turned out to be an uncle in stripes. Polygraph - wrongly, it is not proof and conversations stop here! Give the body - will be the case. But Wait - go their glue the leaflets.
Psychics, ads, TV shows, all kinds of media ...
It took nine and a half years. All these years, everyone in the shower kept krupinochka faith. Once there is hope ...
Found. Guys ... found. More precisely, what was left of them. From his brother, from his son, from a loved one.
"VAZ-2106 was found at the bottom of a pond in the village. Sychev Volokolamsk region ... »
And here begins the theater of the absurd!
The car was removed by bulldozer and sand has poured, so the bulldozer could drive to the pond. Scratching, they dragged the car out of the pond ... Tried - and bent the same roof. Pulling poor "bowl", scattered bones, we lost half our family. Bottom line: "two skulls and seven hands or feet." The machine - which is likely to be found abandoned in the parking lot uliki- the rain and did not even bother to cover and seal. To our surprise at this point the answer was clear: cover, what you want to be sealed, it is time you need.
Why not call relatives, when they found a car? One of the empowered said - not even imagine what kind of car. A second inadvertently misspoke - say, immediately knew what kind of a godsend. Then he changed his mind and remember the truth that nothing he did not know.
A few hours after got Lada, in the MC an article in which the author reports that "over the years of research investigators and their relatives put forward different versions - from kidnapping to murder, but it seems that now the main - an accident." Surprisingly operative article - drunken Muscovites dokatat - put an end to the nine-year investigation, all of us, they say, is clear. Location information is only a few hours after the discovery of the finds and the information in this vein? ..
No need to be an expert to understand that no accident was not. Lada completely unharmed, if not a bulldozer, all would be simply an old machine. No dents, except for the roof, the bent thereby bulldozer. No rear window. No oskolochka. And vyvorocheno backseat - if it were looking for something. Maybe sleeve? A glass not - either because there was not in keeping with the version of the accident a bullet hole? After shots were fired. And the chase was. And there are witnesses. And most interesting is that the accident at this location simply could not be - fly off the road into the pond to prevent the car shed, which then, in 2004, stood on this very spot. Neuvyazochka out ...
The fact that the accident was not clear even to a fool. But Volokolamsk fool no! Therefore, there is not clear.
We are brought to a specialist. His conclusion: Accident? Even so - to die in a crash four young men could not.
And when the boys were gone, telephones have gone out at different times. By phone, towers, we determined the radius of the search.
Mobile is not found, the key is not found, the money too.
Yes, the four young sports guy could not get out of the car at a depth of no more than four meters? In May? We would not be surprised if the investigation will soon put forward version of the collective suicide ...
On Saturday we went to the scene of the tragedy. We found another bone. The bones of our children. Brothers. None of the law enforcement officers did not bother to thoroughly inspect the scene and collect the remains and possible clues. So lay the bones of children - to the delight of the dogs ...
Sychevsky Call your local police department. Law enforcement officers arrived mashed - Saturday morning, my head hurts from the guardians of the law, on their faces - the imprint of the harsh fate Cop and heavy lifestyle ... Cops dull digging feet sand and think about something else. It is with disgust and reluctantly our findings were collected and attached to the case. For the case where suddenly appears one of the skulls, and seven hands or feet.
The second skull had seen with my own eyes several witnesses mysteriously turned into a shovel. What helped this happen? Perhaps the bullet?
And considering the fact that the car no oskolochka from the rear window, it can be a very interesting suggestion. And add to this the whole testimony of the witnesses heard gunshots and had seen how gaytsy chased golden "six" - a conclusion is evident.
And this is just a pond next to the garage, where such cellars there fit to shoot a horror movie. It is not something that the four people - there is a small nation can hide. Then, in 2004, the garages we have not given open. And maybe that's where the boys waited until the last of our help ...
It is likely that in the pursuit, or in verbal sparring traffic cops shot someone from the four ...
Frightened. Then he found out that Korshunov Oleg - the son of a colonel of the FSB, and they did poplohelo.
And the expression - the wiser becomes literal. And no need to go anywhere - that it is a pond, from garages -rukoy file.
And it is clear this approach to investigate such disregard for the evidence and the place of the tragedy.
And yesterday, the investigator suggested that mentally we are not waiting for examination - is very long and hard, for at least a year. Bury them, he says in a mass grave, which you torture ...
Mass graves 9 years was ill-fated six. Now that the boys found found what was left of them, we want to bury them in a human.
We want to find the bastards who did this. How would anyone be desirable - this is not an accident. And the one who was involved in this terrible story - perhaps now sitting somewhere for a laptop and reading news, and maybe even this article.
And that's just the beginning. If justice can be achieved only battle - the battle passed.
even sand navezli to pull
discrepancies began
rear window is not, as there is no debris, rear seat raskurocheno
There were discovered evidence (open bottle of vodka and an empty bank "screwdriver»)
Before the rise was only dented driver's door
Posted in [mergetime] 1378967062 [/ mergetime]
For those who are interested, there are groups in social networks dedicated to the tragedy, such as VK vk.com \ club58177329.
From all the above, striking omission "police", but hope to go public this is not zabuksuet and the guilty will be punished.
P.s. two guys I knew personally, so this is my grief ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1378967095 [/ mergetime]
that's all
Searched by all means, literally digging the ground nose, they combed the woods, checked career, questioned everyone and everything ... all my might, but, unfortunately, only his. Volokolamsk cops is not something that did not help - in fact - prevented conduct searches. Even the FSB could not get them to move.
There were witnesses who saw both the "six" traffic cops chased and heard gunshots. Sadly - find witnesses native children, but not brave law enforcement officers.
And spun the wheel of justice. Continued under the cut ...

Connect the CSS. Brought polygraph. Which clearly and concisely cops showed involvement in the disappearance of children. But one of the suspects turned out to be an uncle in stripes. Polygraph - wrongly, it is not proof and conversations stop here! Give the body - will be the case. But Wait - go their glue the leaflets.
Psychics, ads, TV shows, all kinds of media ...
It took nine and a half years. All these years, everyone in the shower kept krupinochka faith. Once there is hope ...
Found. Guys ... found. More precisely, what was left of them. From his brother, from his son, from a loved one.
"VAZ-2106 was found at the bottom of a pond in the village. Sychev Volokolamsk region ... »
And here begins the theater of the absurd!
The car was removed by bulldozer and sand has poured, so the bulldozer could drive to the pond. Scratching, they dragged the car out of the pond ... Tried - and bent the same roof. Pulling poor "bowl", scattered bones, we lost half our family. Bottom line: "two skulls and seven hands or feet." The machine - which is likely to be found abandoned in the parking lot uliki- the rain and did not even bother to cover and seal. To our surprise at this point the answer was clear: cover, what you want to be sealed, it is time you need.
Why not call relatives, when they found a car? One of the empowered said - not even imagine what kind of car. A second inadvertently misspoke - say, immediately knew what kind of a godsend. Then he changed his mind and remember the truth that nothing he did not know.
A few hours after got Lada, in the MC an article in which the author reports that "over the years of research investigators and their relatives put forward different versions - from kidnapping to murder, but it seems that now the main - an accident." Surprisingly operative article - drunken Muscovites dokatat - put an end to the nine-year investigation, all of us, they say, is clear. Location information is only a few hours after the discovery of the finds and the information in this vein? ..
No need to be an expert to understand that no accident was not. Lada completely unharmed, if not a bulldozer, all would be simply an old machine. No dents, except for the roof, the bent thereby bulldozer. No rear window. No oskolochka. And vyvorocheno backseat - if it were looking for something. Maybe sleeve? A glass not - either because there was not in keeping with the version of the accident a bullet hole? After shots were fired. And the chase was. And there are witnesses. And most interesting is that the accident at this location simply could not be - fly off the road into the pond to prevent the car shed, which then, in 2004, stood on this very spot. Neuvyazochka out ...
The fact that the accident was not clear even to a fool. But Volokolamsk fool no! Therefore, there is not clear.
We are brought to a specialist. His conclusion: Accident? Even so - to die in a crash four young men could not.
And when the boys were gone, telephones have gone out at different times. By phone, towers, we determined the radius of the search.
Mobile is not found, the key is not found, the money too.
Yes, the four young sports guy could not get out of the car at a depth of no more than four meters? In May? We would not be surprised if the investigation will soon put forward version of the collective suicide ...
On Saturday we went to the scene of the tragedy. We found another bone. The bones of our children. Brothers. None of the law enforcement officers did not bother to thoroughly inspect the scene and collect the remains and possible clues. So lay the bones of children - to the delight of the dogs ...
Sychevsky Call your local police department. Law enforcement officers arrived mashed - Saturday morning, my head hurts from the guardians of the law, on their faces - the imprint of the harsh fate Cop and heavy lifestyle ... Cops dull digging feet sand and think about something else. It is with disgust and reluctantly our findings were collected and attached to the case. For the case where suddenly appears one of the skulls, and seven hands or feet.
The second skull had seen with my own eyes several witnesses mysteriously turned into a shovel. What helped this happen? Perhaps the bullet?
And considering the fact that the car no oskolochka from the rear window, it can be a very interesting suggestion. And add to this the whole testimony of the witnesses heard gunshots and had seen how gaytsy chased golden "six" - a conclusion is evident.
And this is just a pond next to the garage, where such cellars there fit to shoot a horror movie. It is not something that the four people - there is a small nation can hide. Then, in 2004, the garages we have not given open. And maybe that's where the boys waited until the last of our help ...
It is likely that in the pursuit, or in verbal sparring traffic cops shot someone from the four ...
Frightened. Then he found out that Korshunov Oleg - the son of a colonel of the FSB, and they did poplohelo.
And the expression - the wiser becomes literal. And no need to go anywhere - that it is a pond, from garages -rukoy file.
And it is clear this approach to investigate such disregard for the evidence and the place of the tragedy.
And yesterday, the investigator suggested that mentally we are not waiting for examination - is very long and hard, for at least a year. Bury them, he says in a mass grave, which you torture ...
Mass graves 9 years was ill-fated six. Now that the boys found found what was left of them, we want to bury them in a human.
We want to find the bastards who did this. How would anyone be desirable - this is not an accident. And the one who was involved in this terrible story - perhaps now sitting somewhere for a laptop and reading news, and maybe even this article.
And that's just the beginning. If justice can be achieved only battle - the battle passed.

even sand navezli to pull

discrepancies began

rear window is not, as there is no debris, rear seat raskurocheno

There were discovered evidence (open bottle of vodka and an empty bank "screwdriver»)


Before the rise was only dented driver's door
Posted in [mergetime] 1378967062 [/ mergetime]
For those who are interested, there are groups in social networks dedicated to the tragedy, such as VK vk.com \ club58177329.
From all the above, striking omission "police", but hope to go public this is not zabuksuet and the guilty will be punished.
P.s. two guys I knew personally, so this is my grief ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1378967095 [/ mergetime]
that's all
