Photoshop from the 50s
Everyone is familiar with a selection of photos in the style of "before and after". Before Photoshop was a star ordinary gray mouse with tiny eyes, enlarged pores and yellow teeth, and then - with expressive eyes, perfect skin and a dazzling smile. But today is not about how modern technology can change the appearance beyond recognition.
Few people know that in the middle of the XX century artists, depicting in the style of pin-up differed little from fotoshoperov. However, under the hand they did not have computers and graphics software. Only the talent and imagination. Because with clean nature are not always able to create seductive images.
One of these talented artists in the '50s was Gil Elvgren, who deservedly received the title of one of the most important creative figures in the style of pin-up.
And now the most interesting. I present to you photos of models from which to draw Gil and near - the end result.
After viewing the collections became clear as infancy photoshop and went from fashion duckface.
Photo: buzzfeed.com, howtobearetronaut.com
Few people know that in the middle of the XX century artists, depicting in the style of pin-up differed little from fotoshoperov. However, under the hand they did not have computers and graphics software. Only the talent and imagination. Because with clean nature are not always able to create seductive images.
One of these talented artists in the '50s was Gil Elvgren, who deservedly received the title of one of the most important creative figures in the style of pin-up.
And now the most interesting. I present to you photos of models from which to draw Gil and near - the end result.

After viewing the collections became clear as infancy photoshop and went from fashion duckface.
Photo: buzzfeed.com, howtobearetronaut.com