Not only we, mere mortals, go for dentists. Yes, the star of the world also visit bolnichki, the only difference is that they are not allowed to stand kilometer queue and greeted with great joy. Of course. How many celebrities are willing to fork out denezhek for a perfect smile. But that's not the point. Here you will never have occurred to take pictures when the saliva ejector is sticking out of his mouth and the doctor stuck to three pieces of terrible instrument? But they, comes the famous.
For example, Omar Doom. Well done, lad, is not afraid. He seems to say: Well, see? Yes, I want beautiful teeth!
Ivanka Trump contrary looks like something scared: aaaaaaaaaaa, take me away!
Nick Carter pinned some strange similarity score, well, apparently, is not to frighten the fearsome buritelnyh machines. And it all after what.
Demi Moore in this picture is exquisite as ever. So what, that without teeth? The main thing in sunglasses.
That's really a pity David Archuletta: pay attention to this terrible instrument on the right ... Yyyyyyy!
MDE ... even Kim Kardashian reception at the doctor has not been without a ton of foundation. An eerie sight.
But the tortured look Mark Salling: Neeeeeeeeeeeet!
For example, Omar Doom. Well done, lad, is not afraid. He seems to say: Well, see? Yes, I want beautiful teeth!

Ivanka Trump contrary looks like something scared: aaaaaaaaaaa, take me away!

Nick Carter pinned some strange similarity score, well, apparently, is not to frighten the fearsome buritelnyh machines. And it all after what.

Demi Moore in this picture is exquisite as ever. So what, that without teeth? The main thing in sunglasses.

That's really a pity David Archuletta: pay attention to this terrible instrument on the right ... Yyyyyyy!

MDE ... even Kim Kardashian reception at the doctor has not been without a ton of foundation. An eerie sight.

But the tortured look Mark Salling: Neeeeeeeeeeeet!