Ask any creative person, and he will tell you that without a muse is not even a pile seedy ditty! And if the muses in the beautiful and famous person, then obtained exclusively hits. This post - a successful single foreign artists, which inspired their girlfriends and boyfriends (many of them former, but it does not change). Songs - attached, so you can immediately listen to
1. Jennifer Aniston has dated singer John Mayer nothing - three months and left him without much regret, but to compensate inspired John to write his hit Shadow Days. After his release in popularity in the United States Meyer jumped several points up
2. Circle the Drain Song Album Katy Perry Teenage Dream, in which she sings about a guy who is more interested in drugs than girls, dedicated to her former Trevi McCoy
3. To create a megahit Hollaback Girl Gwen Stefani inspired restless Courtney Love. They had no novels, of course, but Stephanie always admired the vigor of the widow of Cobain
4. One of my favorite songs of Madonna - Miles Away. Although the relationship of pop queen with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie have not been smooth, she still loved him, because that's what Guy inspired her to write this beautiful ballad
5. To write the song Me & Mr. Jones deceased soul star Amy Winehouse inspired her friend, the rapper Nas. Although he was married to singer Kelis, the press constantly attributed to Amy and Nasu relationship. It may well have been ... but we do not know
6. I do not understand what's so special is, Joe Jonas (man, of course, nice, but not so that "ah!"), But famous women lose from his head. After parting with Ashley Greene, Joe charmed Taylor Swift - not for long, but enough to inspire her to write songs
7. A song of Elton John's Candle in the Wind as much as two muses, and both have already left this mortal world - Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe
8. Pete Doherty and Kate Moss had one a couple, and I think if they both while drugs were not slaves, they would have done a lot together. Nevertheless, when Kate was with him, Doherty much fruitful work. The song What Katie Did he wrote as an expression of his deep feelings for supermodel
1. Jennifer Aniston has dated singer John Mayer nothing - three months and left him without much regret, but to compensate inspired John to write his hit Shadow Days. After his release in popularity in the United States Meyer jumped several points up

2. Circle the Drain Song Album Katy Perry Teenage Dream, in which she sings about a guy who is more interested in drugs than girls, dedicated to her former Trevi McCoy
3. To create a megahit Hollaback Girl Gwen Stefani inspired restless Courtney Love. They had no novels, of course, but Stephanie always admired the vigor of the widow of Cobain
4. One of my favorite songs of Madonna - Miles Away. Although the relationship of pop queen with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie have not been smooth, she still loved him, because that's what Guy inspired her to write this beautiful ballad

5. To write the song Me & Mr. Jones deceased soul star Amy Winehouse inspired her friend, the rapper Nas. Although he was married to singer Kelis, the press constantly attributed to Amy and Nasu relationship. It may well have been ... but we do not know

6. I do not understand what's so special is, Joe Jonas (man, of course, nice, but not so that "ah!"), But famous women lose from his head. After parting with Ashley Greene, Joe charmed Taylor Swift - not for long, but enough to inspire her to write songs

7. A song of Elton John's Candle in the Wind as much as two muses, and both have already left this mortal world - Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe

8. Pete Doherty and Kate Moss had one a couple, and I think if they both while drugs were not slaves, they would have done a lot together. Nevertheless, when Kate was with him, Doherty much fruitful work. The song What Katie Did he wrote as an expression of his deep feelings for supermodel