Hubble made detailed images of Pluto
The most detailed images of Pluto, made by the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble Space Telescope, HST) shed light on the icy world, which is now officially classified as a dwarf planet. The picture shows the planet's surface spotted black - is the result of the fact that the ice melts and re-freezes at the change of seasons. Photos show that the dwarf planet became redder and brighter in the northern hemisphere between 2000 and 2002. The uniqueness of the seasons on Pluto that the orbital period of the planet around the Sun is about 248 years old.
The photographs will be extremely useful for planning future flight of the new spacecraft NASA, which will fly by the dwarf planet in 2015.
Today it is the most detailed pictures of Pluto, because the planet is so small and distant from the land, to do more detailed pictures for as difficult as trying to read a newspaper at a distance of 50 kilometers.

The photographs will be extremely useful for planning future flight of the new spacecraft NASA, which will fly by the dwarf planet in 2015.

Today it is the most detailed pictures of Pluto, because the planet is so small and distant from the land, to do more detailed pictures for as difficult as trying to read a newspaper at a distance of 50 kilometers.