When there will be peace, according to the radiant Angela Pearl
“When will peace come?” is a question that worries many. It was decided to answer the favorite of our readers, always positive and reasonable Angela Pearl. Her advice has already helped many people!
Today's edition. "Site" share astrologer And Angela Pearl's tarologist. With hope for the best!
When the world comes, “I don’t have a date that’s over, that’s it!” says Angela Pearl. However, the astrologer and the esoteric says that she had a dream in which the phrase sounded: “Till summer!”
April 12 will be the conjunction of Jupiter with Pluto, which points to the world. A similar conjunction of planets was already in 1912 before the end of the First World War and before the end of the Second World War in 1945. And now it will be the same, and this is a great sign!
After this event, it will become clear to everyone that the war can no longer continue and that Ukraine cannot but win. This can be seen from the natal map of Ukraine itself.
However, there is a couple in April. compound Mars and Saturn. April 5-6 – there may be an outbreak of hostilities. Saturn - the planet of deprivation and difficult events continues to walk on the moon in the horoscope of Ukraine. And it will be 3 times, and before the end of the year. But this does not mean that the war will last until 2023.
The whole of April (April 1-26) may still be turbulent. time will be a turning point. Saturn will pass on the moon of Ukraine on June 4 (until mid-August) and the last in winter, in December. There may also be a bit of an unsettling environment in October.
Neptune is responsible for chemistry and biology. And he's active now. Therefore, it is possible to use biological and chemical attacks. God, don't let it happen, but you better be prepared in advance! If you react quickly and know what to do, you can greatly reduce the threat!
May 16 will be a lunar eclipse, and it can show victory over the aggressor and the reputation of the country.
A lot will also be revealed. falsehood. On October 30, Mars will be reversed, and Mars will be in a bad position to the planets of the world. This may indicate new outbreaks of aggression. However, on January 12, 2023, Mars will turn around and leave the horizon, and this will definitely mean the final arrival of peace and goodness.
And forecast Watch the video from the channel of the inimitable Angela Pearl.
I also suggest you find out what signs of the zodiac are under the strict guardianship of the Lord. Heaven protects them!
“We did not choose the country in which we were born, nor the people in which we were born, nor the time in which we were born, but we choose one thing: to be human or non-human!” How does his words speak to me?
Now you're at least approximately, but you know when peace. “Hold on, dear ones. Let it be all right. And let all these difficult situations pass for you, dear Ukrainians, with the least losses! – says Angela Pearl.
Today's edition. "Site" share astrologer And Angela Pearl's tarologist. With hope for the best!

When the world comes, “I don’t have a date that’s over, that’s it!” says Angela Pearl. However, the astrologer and the esoteric says that she had a dream in which the phrase sounded: “Till summer!”
April 12 will be the conjunction of Jupiter with Pluto, which points to the world. A similar conjunction of planets was already in 1912 before the end of the First World War and before the end of the Second World War in 1945. And now it will be the same, and this is a great sign!

After this event, it will become clear to everyone that the war can no longer continue and that Ukraine cannot but win. This can be seen from the natal map of Ukraine itself.
However, there is a couple in April. compound Mars and Saturn. April 5-6 – there may be an outbreak of hostilities. Saturn - the planet of deprivation and difficult events continues to walk on the moon in the horoscope of Ukraine. And it will be 3 times, and before the end of the year. But this does not mean that the war will last until 2023.

The whole of April (April 1-26) may still be turbulent. time will be a turning point. Saturn will pass on the moon of Ukraine on June 4 (until mid-August) and the last in winter, in December. There may also be a bit of an unsettling environment in October.
Neptune is responsible for chemistry and biology. And he's active now. Therefore, it is possible to use biological and chemical attacks. God, don't let it happen, but you better be prepared in advance! If you react quickly and know what to do, you can greatly reduce the threat!

May 16 will be a lunar eclipse, and it can show victory over the aggressor and the reputation of the country.
A lot will also be revealed. falsehood. On October 30, Mars will be reversed, and Mars will be in a bad position to the planets of the world. This may indicate new outbreaks of aggression. However, on January 12, 2023, Mars will turn around and leave the horizon, and this will definitely mean the final arrival of peace and goodness.

And forecast Watch the video from the channel of the inimitable Angela Pearl.
I also suggest you find out what signs of the zodiac are under the strict guardianship of the Lord. Heaven protects them!

“We did not choose the country in which we were born, nor the people in which we were born, nor the time in which we were born, but we choose one thing: to be human or non-human!” How does his words speak to me?
Now you're at least approximately, but you know when peace. “Hold on, dear ones. Let it be all right. And let all these difficult situations pass for you, dear Ukrainians, with the least losses! – says Angela Pearl.
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