22 brilliant boy of all the gin joints
Seventy million six hundred twenty six thousand eight hundred fifty
In life everything is possible. To verify this, one need not conduct research — we only need to take a closer look at what surrounds you.
The website found 22 insanity, which prove that not everything is subject to logic and common sense.
I'm sure all of you are wondering why we have gathered here
In our hostel installed a new toilet
Reduction — our all
My dentist is not without a sense of humor
Here is a passport issued to my girlfriend
Our school has established a new projector. Victory in the contest "engineer of the year" secured
Finally a store just for me
The car we all drew in kindergarten, there is actually
One detail is clearly unnecessary
Oh, these modern technologies! Wanted to shoot a panorama, but it turned out that...
The whole 2017 on one photo
The invention of the century — can opener with bottle opener
When I decided to do everything by eye
PS-... the guy on the green pass not want?
The drink is strong and independent
But helmets
When the light penetrates all the dark places
Ice cream flavored viagra is that your horn didn't fall
Went with a girlfriend to shop in Mexico, and there...
Love the sweater, give me two!
Winnie the Pooh eats honey and your nightmares
You never grew a beer belly? There is a way
Photos on the preview reddit.com
via www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6wmf8d/i_knew_that_the_car_we_used_to_draw_in/?st=j7u66s9t&sh=68dd6dcb
In life everything is possible. To verify this, one need not conduct research — we only need to take a closer look at what surrounds you.
The website found 22 insanity, which prove that not everything is subject to logic and common sense.
I'm sure all of you are wondering why we have gathered here
In our hostel installed a new toilet
Reduction — our all
My dentist is not without a sense of humor
Here is a passport issued to my girlfriend
Our school has established a new projector. Victory in the contest "engineer of the year" secured
Finally a store just for me
The car we all drew in kindergarten, there is actually
One detail is clearly unnecessary
Oh, these modern technologies! Wanted to shoot a panorama, but it turned out that...
The whole 2017 on one photo
The invention of the century — can opener with bottle opener
When I decided to do everything by eye
PS-... the guy on the green pass not want?
The drink is strong and independent
But helmets
When the light penetrates all the dark places
Ice cream flavored viagra is that your horn didn't fall
Went with a girlfriend to shop in Mexico, and there...
Love the sweater, give me two!
Winnie the Pooh eats honey and your nightmares
You never grew a beer belly? There is a way
Photos on the preview reddit.com
via www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6wmf8d/i_knew_that_the_car_we_used_to_draw_in/?st=j7u66s9t&sh=68dd6dcb
10 ways to create an image of the spiritualized personality, if you are a complete idiot
20 sculptures, in which not a sin to fall in love