Heaven and Earth – the flying city. The winner of the competition of eVolo skyscrapers 2012

On the floating city dreamed of Jonathan swift in "Gulliver's Adventures". The Japanese in the eighties the mountains even made a cartoon about sky castle Laputa. But modern Chinese architect Wei Zhao has developed a project called Heaven and Earth that allows you to make this dream come true!
The annual eVolo competition was not created in order to create projects of real skyscrapers, and to develop ideas that may be demanded by the architects of the future. Among the works submitted to this competition, sometimes come across more or less adequate, as this year's winner of the Himalaya Water Towers, and sometimes something completely crazy, as the project floating city Heaven and Earth.

Chinese architect Wei Zhao says that at the current rate of global population growth soon, the world is not enough free space for new generations. It would therefore be logical to create it, and not just anywhere, but in heaven.
And not on other planets or even other galaxies, and on our mother Earth over our heads. Enough to build a flying city, which will be virtually self-sufficient – there will be to grow food, to produce "green" energy and even to produce products of wide consumption.
According to the suggestion of Wei Zhao all this machine will stay in the air thanks to the same technology that now moves Mileva – trains on an electromagnetic cushion. That's just the flying city of Heaven and Earth will not move from place to place, and will hang over one point for many years, better yet, centuries.

Source: /users/78
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