How are spectacular discharges of water from the reservoir on the yellow river?
On those spectacular photos You can see the impressive release of water from the reservoir on the yellow river is the second largest river in China. Huge streams of water mixed with mud carried out of the tank after the floodgates open. Using these discharges, the river is cleared of silt and prevent local flooding.
The abundance of sediment give a yellowish tint to the waters of the yellow river (name of river in Chinese means "Yellow river"). That is why the sea into which it empties, was also named Yellow.
A massive system of dams total length of approximately 5,000 kilometers, protects the yellow river and its tributaries serve as protection from floods. The dam breaks that have led to massive floods and changes of river-bed, was the cause of death of a large number of the population, so the river is also called the "Sorrow of China". According to estimates, which lead to 602 ad, the yellow river was recorded 1.576 breakthroughs dams, and river channel moved 26 times.
In 1933 was recorded the maximum rate of removal of silt the Yellow river during the year to 3.91 billion tons, and the maximum displacement of the channel amounted to a distance of about 800 km.
Source: /users/413

The abundance of sediment give a yellowish tint to the waters of the yellow river (name of river in Chinese means "Yellow river"). That is why the sea into which it empties, was also named Yellow.

A massive system of dams total length of approximately 5,000 kilometers, protects the yellow river and its tributaries serve as protection from floods. The dam breaks that have led to massive floods and changes of river-bed, was the cause of death of a large number of the population, so the river is also called the "Sorrow of China". According to estimates, which lead to 602 ad, the yellow river was recorded 1.576 breakthroughs dams, and river channel moved 26 times.

In 1933 was recorded the maximum rate of removal of silt the Yellow river during the year to 3.91 billion tons, and the maximum displacement of the channel amounted to a distance of about 800 km.

Source: /users/413
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