20 postcards with stishkami- "powders". Full fly away!
We admit that we in the version Site are big fans of the genre of short humorous verse without punctuation with unexpected outcome - in short, stishkov- "powders". We are convinced that this collection will amuse you from the heart!
via pics-ru.jelastic.regruhosting.ru/otkrytki-so-stishkami-poroshkami-unos-mozga-i-otlichnoe-nastroenie-garantirovany
via pics-ru.jelastic.regruhosting.ru/otkrytki-so-stishkami-poroshkami-unos-mozga-i-otlichnoe-nastroenie-garantirovany
The Japanese invented the personal transport, which is placed in a bag. Soon quite walking cast
23 photos that will make you roar with laughter in his voice!