The computer is able to read the text directly from the human brain
Dutch scientists using brain scans and a set of specific computer algorithms were able to "pull" of information on the human head review text.
Employees of the University of Nijmegen have developed a system that can detect information on visual stimuli contained in the occipital lobe of the brain.
In the experiment, the volunteers showed snippets of text, including - handwritten letters «B», «R», «A», «I», «N» and «S». When the perception of this information active certain areas of the brain where scientists extracted information, fixing them using voxels - volume image elements. The study used a voxel size of 2 × 2 × 2 mm, to recognize that the computer using a special algorithm, such as that by which the human brain "understands" handwriting and transformed back into the letters shown volunteer.
In the near future, using more powerful MRI scanners, scientists expect to get complex image, consisting of more than 15 thousand voxels with which it will be possible to analyze a person's memory and subjective experiences such as dreams or visual images.
One of the study's authors Marcel van Gerven, says that their original intent was not to read a computer thoughts and study the mechanism of the brain processes visual stimuli. But while the scientist points out that if in future experiments, it turns out that the brain also responds to the imagination, as visual information, read thoughts cease to be fiction.
via factroom.ru
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The "@" appeared a few hundred years ago, in medieval monasteries