Mysterious button on reddit still works
April 1, 2015 at 09:00 on reddit started a social experiment: one sabredditov appeared form with a countdown timer and a button, which restarts the timer. After 10 minutes after the sabreddita intensified form. You can press the button, but you can not push, but for the past two weeks, the timer has not reached zero, and the number of participants in the experiment has reached 750,000 people. Press the button only once and only if the account was created before April 1.
During this time, the mystery around the buttons formed a whole community of people, comprehensively analyze its condition and is divided into several different groups. Some of the people feel the attention of the experiment religious and анализируют group of people is in a social context. For example, & quot; Рыцари button & quot; see their mission is to count lasted as long as possible, sacrificing, if necessary, its status as a "nenazhavshego" if they see that the timer is close to zero. On the contrary, & quot; Ассасины button & quot; aim to penetrate into the community, "Knights" and let the countdown timer to finish. People indifferently watching the experiment, call themselves "scientists" or "historians».
Some users have created special mobile applications that allow you to see the status button and interfere with her condition. Now there are three applications for Android with open-source, some of them vyglyadyat very professionally. In addition, you can download several types of extensions to the Chrome or Firefox, which also allow you to see what's going on with the button at the moment. In multiple Web applications, such as it (Node.js, charting library is used D3), can be conveniently observed in the graph life Button:
From the diagram (the ordinate shows the timer restart time) that the counter does not fall below about 30 seconds. There is a rating of the top 100 users who were able to observe the "extreme" his low values - someone / u / snakehawk37 seen as someone then pressed the button, when it reached 27 per second going and statistics, which can be see in this big text file.
In the community there is a legend about a special Konami -codes that can be entered from the keyboard and observe the unusual behavior of a button. It is believed that people who know the code luck:
Some people считают, that the button will work forever.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249072/
During this time, the mystery around the buttons formed a whole community of people, comprehensively analyze its condition and is divided into several different groups. Some of the people feel the attention of the experiment religious and анализируют group of people is in a social context. For example, & quot; Рыцари button & quot; see their mission is to count lasted as long as possible, sacrificing, if necessary, its status as a "nenazhavshego" if they see that the timer is close to zero. On the contrary, & quot; Ассасины button & quot; aim to penetrate into the community, "Knights" and let the countdown timer to finish. People indifferently watching the experiment, call themselves "scientists" or "historians».
Some users have created special mobile applications that allow you to see the status button and interfere with her condition. Now there are three applications for Android with open-source, some of them vyglyadyat very professionally. In addition, you can download several types of extensions to the Chrome or Firefox, which also allow you to see what's going on with the button at the moment. In multiple Web applications, such as it (Node.js, charting library is used D3), can be conveniently observed in the graph life Button:

From the diagram (the ordinate shows the timer restart time) that the counter does not fall below about 30 seconds. There is a rating of the top 100 users who were able to observe the "extreme" his low values - someone / u / snakehawk37 seen as someone then pressed the button, when it reached 27 per second going and statistics, which can be see in this big text file.
In the community there is a legend about a special Konami -codes that can be entered from the keyboard and observe the unusual behavior of a button. It is believed that people who know the code luck:

Some people считают, that the button will work forever.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249072/
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