According to the people who had been there a while a >, when SPUR fired you could be in the parking lot on the left with your eyes closed, and the blue flashes you'd see were fast neutrons zipping through your eyeballs. Nice, eh? Anyway, SPUR uses 'weapons grade' material, thus the safeguards. None of this was classified when I was there, by the way. The other area inside the main fence is ACRR, (Annular core research reactor), a 2MW toy reactor used for various tests. We used it to play with diffractive optics; fun project. i> blockquote> Sami "blue rays" is the charged particles moving with privysheniem phase velocity of light in a transparent medium referred to as the излучнием The Cerenkov characteristic of all active reactors. In fact, in the video we see a chain reaction through the walls of the reactor.